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What Senate Majority leader told the Audience about Senator Saliu Mustapha



Salihu Mustapha


By AbdurRaheem Sa’ad Dembo, mnipr

I was not in my regular station on Monday and after having a busy day at work, I decided to switch on my data in the evening. It was not as if my data had not been active that day but intermittently as a result of homongous work on my table.

As I was browsing I came across a video of Senate leader,Senator Opeyemi Bamidele describing senator Saliu Mustapha as an influential first time Senator. He recalled how Senator Saliu Mustapha became the chairman of about 73 senators who are first timers in the Senate ahead of Senate Presidential election.
Here is the exact words of Senate leader .

” The elected senators plus he himself 109 .73 or so of those senators are first time senators , meaning that the ranking senators were not in a position to determine who will be the president of the Senate. We were held by jugular by the new senators and they formed their own forum , and chose distinguished Senator Saliu Mustapha as the Chairman of First Time Senators Forum . We tried to frighten him by letting him know that our rules did not recognize any forum like that and Senator Mustapha will say Okay on the day of election, we will know what the rules will do. So we were forced to sit down with him . He did not really negotiate for himself, he negotiated for other First Time Senators . So it is not by accident that Senator Saliu Mustapha , a First Timer was appointed as Chairman Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food Production . That was exactly what he wanted and what he negotiated for and he made appointment from Kwara very total meaning that all three senators from Kwara ended up being chairmen. ”

The Senate leader was a guest speaker at 2024 Public Lecture on “Constitutional Amendments and the Political Dynamics of State Policing in Nigeria”

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The event was organized by the Department of Political Science in conjunction with the Institute for Legislative Studies at the University of Ilorin on Monday, 1st July, 2024

Essentially, from the revelation of the Senate leader it is obvious that Senator Saliu Mustapha is a politician of high repute and it is also imperative to affirm that he is a politician who knows his onion.In politics one don’t just attain a position by accident or coincidence one must have worked hard to achieve such a feat. The words of Senator Michael Opeyemi Bamidele attested to that.

Senator Mustapha is a man of few words but he is pragmatic with high sense of political precision.You can’t imitate anyone but when you have robust ideas and consult widely,one would make a head way not only in the political realm but the entire human endeavours.Turaki of Ilorin is always ahead of the game because of his experience in the Nigerian political landscape. He was a member of ANPP and National Vice Chairman of defunct Congress for Progressive Change, CPC. He was part of the active leaders in the merger that formed APC in 2014 .He may be young but he has the experience and implements to navigate across ocean of political interest, just as he did ahead of the appointment of key principal officers of the 10th Senate.

*The implication of Senate Majority Leader’s revelations*

Firstly, it has further confirmed Senator Saliu Mustapha political sagacity. Secondly, it authenticates the selflessness of Turaki of Ilorin .He didn’t only negotiate for himself but also for other first time senators Thirdly, It has affirmed his political dexterity towards achieving success.

Bamidele’s account has exposed the leadership quality embedded in Senator Saliu Mustapha. A leader does not think for himself alone but also for others. Followers can’t be subservient to a leader unless he has also ran an errand for them. You don’t coerce people to believe in you and follow you, it is your antecedents that would prompt them to do so.

Turaki of Ilorin is not politically naive going by Senator Bamidele’s account.They were trying to frighten him but he maintained his equilibrium

It has also uncovered Saliu Mustapha’s growing influence in the National Assembly, hence it is expected that Turaki of Ilorin will leverage on that by facilitating federal presence that would engender prosperity for the good people of Kwara Central and the Nation at large.

Senate leader’s revelations also confirmed that Senator Saliu Mustapha is the most influential first time Senator in the 10th Senate.

In the last one year, Senator Mustapha has performed creditably well as a senator representing Kwara Central Senatorial District in the 10th Senate, my recent piece “Reflections on Senator Saliu Mustapha’s one year in Office” chronicles some of his achievements so far.

I wish him continued success and Allah’s guidance in his quest to making life better for the less privileged.


Transforming Education in Jigawa State: Governor Umar Namadi’s Bold Initiatives and Vision



Governor Umar Namadi of Jigawa state

Isah Ibrahim Garba madamuwa@yahoo.com

Governor Umar Namadi of Jigawa State has embarked on a transformative journey to elevate the state’s educational system in his first year stewardship. His administration’s comprehensive strategy focuses on increasing the number of qualified teachers, optimizing the distribution of educational resources, and prioritizing education in the state budget. The initiatives highlight Governor Namadi’s dedication to educational development in Jigawa State.

The administration has employed 3,126 teachers specifically for basic schools. This significant increase aims to address the teacher-student ratio, ensuring that every child receives adequate attention and a quality education from the foundational level. Also in a bid to further strengthen the basic education sector, 1,100 J-Teach graduates have been recruited. These individuals, trained under the Jigawa State Teaching Program, are equipped with modern teaching methodologies and are poised to bring fresh perspectives and energy to the classroom.

Furthermore, recognizing the importance of academic excellence, Governor Namadi’s administration has employed 143 first-class graduates of Jigawa State origin. These top-tier graduates will bring their expertise and commitment to the teaching profession, inspiring students and raising the overall educational standards in the state. In an effort to balance the teacher distribution, 2,200 teachers have been redeployed from basic schools to higher schools. This strategic move ensures that secondary schools are also well-staffed with qualified educators, thereby improving the quality of education at all levels.

To cater to the state’s growing student population, 76 additional teachers have been hired for mega schools to enhance and maintain a high standard of education.

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The combined efforts of hiring new teachers and redeploying existing ones have resulted in nearly a 60% increase in the teaching workforce in Jigawa State. This remarkable growth is expected to have a profound impact on the quality of education, decongestion of class Rooms, and allowing for more individualized instruction and support for students.
Governor Namadi’s commitment to education is further demonstrated by the allocation of 30% of the state’s 2024 budget to the education sector. This is significantly above the global standard recommended by UNESCO, which suggests that 15-20% of national budgets should be allocated to education. By dedicating such a substantial portion of the budget to education, the Governor underscores the importance of education as a catalyst for development and progress in Jigawa State.

Governor Umar Namadi’s multifaceted approach to improving education in Jigawa State reflects a deep understanding of the critical role that education plays in societal development. Through the strategic employment and redeployment of teachers, alongside a substantial financial commitment, Governor Namadi is laying a strong foundation for the future of Jigawa State’s educational system. These efforts are expected to yield significant improvements in educational outcomes, preparing the youth of Jigawa State to contribute meaningfully to the state’s and the nation’s growth.

In this ambitious endeavor, the efforts of key stakeholders cannot go unnoticed. The Commissioner for Higher Education, Dr. Isa Yusuf Chamo, and the Executive Chairman of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) have been instrumental in driving these initiatives. Their dedication and hard work, alongside the team formed by His Excellency, have been pivotal in the successful implementation of these educational reforms. Their commitment to the Governor’s vision has been crucial in making these transformative changes a reality

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Rainy Season: Need for the Needful




By Sani Surajo Abubakar

A rainy season (also known as a wet season) is a time of the year where the majority of a country’s or region’s annual precipitation occurs. Rainfall is experienced throughout the year in Nigeria, with most significant rainfall occurring from April to October, and with minimal rainfall occurring November to March.

As predicted by the NiMet (Nigerian Meteorological Agency), this year’s raining season has set in expectation of heavy downpour and flooding in some communities spread across the country especially those in the coastal areas.

The NiMet’s 2024 rainfall prediction indicated that the rainfall is expected to begin in the first week of April, and end in the first week of December. It is also predicted the delay of rainfall in some parts of the country, especially in the North – Central states. However, other parts of the country are likely to observe normal to above normal annual rainfall amount.

In normal circumstances, the rainy Season in the northern Nigeria if not for the effects of weather and climate Change, do set in early June and ceased to stop towards the middle or end of October or in the first week of November as the case may be.

The coming of the rainy season brings succor and reduce the disturbing heat of the dry weather, yet, while the rain can be enjoyable, it also poses certain health risks for people to be cautious of to enjoy the period and tap from its enormous benefits.


One of the health risks that the rainy season comes with is food and water contamination. Watching food and water to use during the season is very crucial as food and other factors may have contaminated the water or food to use.

Careless handling and improper storage of food and water can lead to contamination and brought about illnesses capable of disastrous consequences.

To avert food and water contamination, people need to maintain proper hygiene practices such as washing hands before handling food, thoroughly cooking food, storing perishable items appropriately and always consume freshly cooked food and avoid eating loosely during the period.

Secondly, rainy season often increases mosquito population. As it the period that mosquito breeds due to the availability of stagnant water and conducive atmosphere for breeding. The higher the rate of mosquito breeding, the higher the heightening the risk of mosquito-related diseases such as malaria, Zika virus, and dengue fever among others.

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For people to protect themselves, they need to eliminate stagnant water around their residences, use mosquito repellants, wear long sleeves dresses especially at night, sleep under mosquito nets. Additionally, people should consider using screens or mosquito nets on windows and doors to prevent mosquito entry.

Waterborne illnesses are caused by recreational or drinking water contaminated by diseases or can be acquired by consuming contaminated food or beverages from contact with animals or their environment, or through person-to-person spread.

During the rainy season, water sources can get contaminated, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases such as Cholera, typhoid, and so on. These diseases are transmitted through contaminated water or contact with infected surfaces.

It is pertinent in reducing the risks to drink safe, purified water, maintain good personal hygiene and avoid playing or working in floodwaters.

Furthermore, on the health risks that accompanied rainy season is the possibility of increasing respiratory infections, including common cold, flu and respiratory allergies and can trigger conditions like sickle cell anemia if care is not taken.

The state of being between dry and wet (damp) environment promotes the growth of mould, fungi and allergies which at long run exacerbate respiratory and other related conditions.

To totally overcome or minimize the risk of developing the said infections and other medical conditions, people should maintain good hygiene practices, avoid crowed places if possible, keep living spaces well ventilated and free from dampness.


Slip and fall accidents also do accompanied the rainy season. This is happening in wet and slippery surfaces and accounting to higher percentage of injuries like sprains, dislocations, fractures, head trauma and other diseases witness in such period.


To reduce the possibility of having slip and fall accidents, people should wear appropriate footwear with good traction, use hand rails when available, and walk cautiously on wet surfaces. It is advisable further to keep living and work space areas well-lit and clear of potential hazards and not to step or stroll in flood water, no matter how small.


Another risk that occurred in the rainy season is flooding. The floods due occur when water overflows from the normal boundaries of a stream, river or other body of water, or accumulates in an area that is usually dry. The floods usually come with devastating effects as it renders many people homeless, loss of property and to some extent lives.


To avoid occurrence of flooding, waterways must be cleared and people should desist from erecting structures on waterways and channels for safety and comfortability of habitation at residences, markets, places of worship, public buildings among others.

Also, drainages should be desilted, cleared and authority concerned must ensure evacuation of refuse and enforce stiffer penalties on recalcitrant who dump refuse in drainages and water ways.

Despite the risks of the rainy season and the ways to avoid them stated above, and with total and unrelented commitment of all the stakeholders, people can enjoy hitches free rainy season and maximally benefitted from enormous bounties, bumper harvest and blessing the season do brought.



Sani, is an Assistant Information Officer, Government House, Kano

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Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf and his disloyal Commissioners



Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf


As a matter of urgency, the Kano State Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf should be on top of his government. It is his responsibility to take charge, Kano voters only voted for him with enough votes, not his cabinet members, Chief of Staff, or the rest of his appointees as most of them are inexperienced persons.

Before I go further I want to congratulate you for approving a huge amount of money for the purchase of fertilizer for this year’s rainy season farming and another billions of naira for the renovation of classrooms across the 44 Local Government areas of Kano State.

To be frank with Your Excellency, with the kind of government officials working under you this money earmarked will end up in the pockets and accounts of politicians. Yes in the pocket of your party members who are members of the Community Reorientation Committee (CRC), which is responsible for executing the projects.

We have seen what happened recently with the empowerment funds shared to the street hawkers, and the issue of diverting palliatives, you, self-directed the arrest of the suspects, and we are yet to hear about the investigation and the actions you took against them. Even though there are speculations that one of the engine rooms of your government who used to be a comrade at one of the Nigerian Universities spearheaded the I’ll action. God forbid.

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Another issue that makes me sharpen my pen this time, is the pathetic issue of one sick baby who Governor Yusuf pledged to take abroad for the needed treatment but up to date the promise has not been fulfilled

The mother of the patient who spoke on a video clip said that, when Abba Kabir visited them as a new governor in one of the Kano hospitals, one company had already promised to sponsor their traveling abroad for medication but the governor, said the duty of his government to do that, but up-to-date no action is taken. They no longer have money to even attend the local hospital talkless of buying the necessary drugs plus the regular oxygen the patient used daily as a means for survival.

The woman added that she has been going up and down to the Kano State Ministry of Health, but the Commissioner of that Ministry keeps deceiving them.

I want to use this opportunity to call the attention of Abba Yusuf to be on top of all his government affairs by reshaping his Cabinet with those he can control and give directives. I suggest to him to appoint capable youth to his government before it is too late.
“A word is enough for a wise”

Abba Hamisu Sani is the National Coordinator Society for Patriotic Journalism.
Email: timebasetv@gmail.com

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