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About Us

Nigerian Tracker is an online-based newspaper with headquarters in Kano State, Nigeria. It is established with the sole aim of reporting the under-reported issues in the society, bringing a balanced news coverage, bridging the gap in youth participation in democratic governance and fact-based Investigative Journalism.
Our aim is to ensure we report all issues affecting the socio-economic development of our country.

We are an independent and non-partisan newspaper committed to the best tradition and ideals of journalism that holds public interest sacred and are ready to defend it at all times through fact-based, balanced, and fair reportage of issues without any personal or political undertones.

Nigerian Tracker newspaper stands up for good governance, free speech, democracy, rule of law and shall keep a tab on the full fulfilment of electoral pledges, exposing misconduct, bringing out problems facing the public to the authorities and proffering solutions.

Editorial/Advertorial Policy

We shall not accept to publish any news items, images, videos and other digital material that depict any form of violence, pornography, vulgar language, and xenophobic language or expression of hatred targeted at any religion, region, ethnic nationality, gender, group, community or political interests.
We shall endeavour to ensure that we always avoid reporting or publishing defamatory material against any person, institution, group, community, political group, gender or professions.
All advertisement content to be published on our website must meet the requirements of Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) or any other legal entity
We shall not accept any advertisement on alcohol, intoxicants, hard drugs and other harmful substances, nudity, hate speech and any other material that may be deemed inappropriate.
Our staff are discouraged from accepting any favours, gifts or gratifications from news sources that may seek to influence or alter their editorial judgment.

To ensure professionalism we insist that all advertorials/write-ups focusing on politicians and government officials must be screened by our legal advisers before publication to avoid litigation. Nigerian Tracker reserves the right to remove or edit any part of such write-ups that we consider defamatory or inappropriate.
Sponsors of political advertorials/write-ups must also sign an indemnity form before their materials are accepted for publication.
Payment of all advertisements must be made in full and materials must be submitted at least 4 days before publication.