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A Fond Farewell to a Tenacious and Devoted Speaker: Honorable Femi Gbajabiamila, and a Warm Welcome to Honourable Tajuddeen Abbas”



Honourable Shaaban Ibrahim Sharada in A Tete Eye with Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila


By Malam (Dr) Sha’aban Ibrahim Sharada,OON.

In a symphony orchestrated by destiny, the 11th of June 2019 emerged as a pivotal day, heralding the proclamation of the illustrious 9th National Assembly. It was a moment that held immense significance for me, as I stepped into the shoes of an elected representative, entrusted with the arduous task of representing the resilient constituency of Kano Municipal in Nigeria. Just two days later, as if the universe conspired in perfect harmony, the sweet news of my fourth child’s arrival filled the air. Without hesitation, I bestowed upon him the name Abdulhakeem, an homage to the divine intervention that led to the fulfillment of our mission—to witness the rise of the venerable Right Honorable Abdulhakim Femi Gbajabiamila as the esteemed Speaker of the 9th National Assembly.
From the very beginning of our collective endeavor to secure the speakership position, I held a strong desire to chair a particular committee out of the 102 standing committees of the House. To pursue my aspiration, I mustered the courage to approach the honorable speaker and humbly requested that he consider me for the position of Chairman of the Committee on National Security and Intelligence, should the divine decree appoint him as the Speaker.
With a hint of jest, the speaker responded that he couldn’t promise specific committees to anyone, especially considering the strategic nature of the committee I had expressed interest in. However, undeterred, I persisted and emphasized the hurdles I had overcome and the future challenges that awaited me due to internal party crises in Kano.
On that memorable day of June 11th, 2019, as the House assembled for its inaugural sitting, I sat among like-minded individuals such as Rep. Tijjani Jobe, Rep. Yusif Gagdi, Rep. Koko, Rep. Makki Yan Liman, Rep. Hafiz Ibrahim, and other majority members, all passionately chanting “sai Gbaja” until our votes were counted, declaring him the victorious Speaker of the 9th National Assembly.
As time passed, my proximity to Honorable Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila grew, affording me the opportunity to observe him closely, with unwavering enthusiasm.
The bond I forged with the outgoing Speaker, Femi Gbajabiamila, inspired many like-minded individuals in the 9th assembly, as we sought to emulate his leadership as Speaker of the House.

Merely two weeks after our inauguration, I received a letter mandating me, alongside my colleague from Anambra State, Hon. Ifeanyi Moma, to represent the Speaker in Abidjan, the capital city of Côte d’Ivoire. It marked the first international assignment of the 9th House of Representatives.

A” week later, Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila bestowed upon me the honor of chairing the House Committee on National Security and Intelligence. As a newcomer to the House, the weight of this responsibility pressed heavily upon my mind.

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Yet, the Speaker’s unwavering encouragement and his words affirming my capability, saying, “You can do it; you are equal to the task,” fortified my resolve.
Through these experiences, I came to understand that Honorable Speaker Gbajabiamila is a man of his word.
Notably, during my tenure as Chairman of the Committee, when Federal Government agencies arrived to defend their budgets following the presentation of the 2020 appropriation bill by former President Muhammad Buhari before the National Assembly, the Speaker inquired as to why I hadn’t invited agencies under my committee’s jurisdiction for their budget defense. Such a statement served to inspire and motivate me.
Kano APC Crisis
A true leader listens to their constituents and distinguishes the truth from the noise. When our party was engulfed in a severe leadership crisis in my home state of Kano, the Speaker faced repeated calls to remove me as the Chairman of the House Committee on National Security and National Intelligence, even after I had successfully served in that capacity for two years. Numerous attempts were made to coerce and intimidate Honorable Speaker Gbajabiamila, with the threat of withdrawing support from the 21 Kano House members if he did not yield to their demands. However, he steadfastly resisted the pressure, remaining resolute in the face of intimidation, and refused to succumb to the powers seeking my removal. Throughout it all, he implored them to allow him to resolve the matter amicably, while advising me to avoid actions that might escalate the crisis.
Upon learning of the challenges the Honorable Gbajabiamila was confronting, I offered to resign as chairman of the committee to relieve him of the burden. However, the affable speaker rejected my offer, insisting that I remain loyal to the party’s cause.
Furthermore, his guidance and extensive network provided me with invaluable empowerment. When I was elected President of the Network of African Parliamentarians for Defense and Security

Committees from 2021 to 2022, and subsequently elevated to the position of President General of the Network of African Parliamentarians for Defense and Security Committees in 2022, entrusted with coordinating the chairpersons of security-related committees across African Parliaments, I recognized the magnitude of his influence. Glory be to the Almighty, today we part ways as he answers the call to national service by assuming the role of Chief of Staff to the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Bola Ahmad Tinubu GCFR.
I am convinced that his conciliatory approach, which he exhibited as the Speaker of the 9th Assembly, House of Representatives, will continue to manifest as the Chief of Staff to the President. His unwavering commitment, resilience, patience, and compassion will undoubtedly yield positive results, enabling him to bridge the gaps and harmoniously administer governmental affairs between the executive, legislature, judiciary, state governments, and labor unions.
In closing, I wish to reiterate my unwavering loyalty and commitment as I undertake my new responsibility as the Executive Secretary of the Almajirai and Out-of-School Children Commission.
Once again, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, President Bola Ahmad Tinubu, for selecting Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila as his Chief of Staff. I express my gratitude to him for fostering unity within the House and rallying the members to support Tajuddeen Abbas as the incoming Speaker of the 10th Assembly.
May the Almighty guide the new Chief of Staff in faithfully serving our nation under the leadership of President Bola Ahmad Tinubu, acting as a bridge between the center and the entirety of Nigeria.
Finally, I seize this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the constituents of Kano Municipal who entrusted me with their mandate four years ago, as well as to the 360 members of the House with whom we worked tirelessly.
Special thanks are due to my Deputy, Hon. Adeogun, the entire members of my committee, the secretariat led by the esteemed clerk, Dr. Eric, the coordinator, and the heads of agencies within the intelligence community. My gratitude knows no bounds, and I can only pray that the Almighty rewards you abundantly.

Honorable (Dr.) Sha’aban Ibrahim Sharada OON, is the outgoing member of the House of Representatives for Municipal Federal Constituency and now the Executive Secretary of the Almajirai And Out Of School Children Commission.


Kabiru Rurum’s Vanishing Act: What’s Behind?




By Adamu Aminu.

The sudden silence of Hon. Kabiru Alhassan Rurum, federal representative of Rano/Kibiya/Bunkure, has sparked intense speculation in Kano’s political circles. His absence from NNPP events and gatherings has raised eyebrows, fueling whispers of a rift within the party. As a prominent figure in Kano South’s political syndicate, alongside Senator Kawu Sumaila, Hon. Abdulmuminu Jibrin Kofa, and Hon. Sani Rogo, Rurum’s disappearance from the political scene is a curious phenomenon.

Reliable sources reveal that Rurum, along with his Kano South colleagues, played a crucial role in the NNPP’s gubernatorial victory, which saw Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf emerge as the winner. This marked a historic first for the Kwankwasiyya movement in Kano South.

However, following the victory, the Kano South political gladiators felt their demands were neglected, despite their significant contributions. They had requested the Secretary of the State Government position, which was denied, and later sought the speakership of the Kano State House of Assembly, which was also turned down.

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Even the speaker was picked without consulting Rurum, Kawu Sumaila, and other stakeholders in the zone.

Moreover, they have not been carried along in all the appointments made so far by the Governor, including the recent appointments of Local Government caretaker committees and their councillors.

The perceived disregard for their demands has reportedly led to Rurum’s disillusionment and withdrawal from active participation in party affairs.

Furthermore, the controversial disbandment of the five emirates created by former Governor Ganduje, despite Rurum’s earlier assurances from Governor Yusuf that they would remain untouched, has added fuel to the fire.

Rurum’s vanishing act has left many wondering if this is a tactical move or a sign of deeper issues within the party. As the proverb goes, “a tree does not move unless its roots are disturbed.” It appears that Rurum’s roots have been disturbed, and the consequences of this disturbance are yet to be fully understood.

In conclusion, Hon. Kabiru Alhassan Rurum’s sudden absence from Kano’s NNPP political scene has raised important questions about the party’s internal dynamics and the fate of its key players.

As the situation unfolds, one thing is certain – the roots of Rurum’s vanishing act will continue to be a subject of intense scrutiny and speculation in Kano’s political circles.

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Northern Politicians’ Eid Homage to Buhari: A Veiled Plot for 2027 Power Grab?-Sani



Senator Shehu Sani


Shehu Sani

The recent visits by some prominent Northern politicians to Daura appears to be the Usual Eid homage,but looking deeper and beyond the facade,it’s surreptitiously a new attempt to build a strong northern alliance using ex President Buhari as a rallying point to challenge and evict President Tinubu’s Government in 2027.It’s a regrouping of Northern political forces for the next general election.A project that will eventually kiss the dust.

They want to resurrect Buhari’s political charm and mobilise the gullible.Thesame Buhari that led Nigeria for eight years and left the North Worst than he met it.Its too early to forget.By the time he left power,poverty and insecurity was at its peak than at anytime in Nigeria’s history.They had power and wasted it;what do they want to do with it again?.

A Southerner is in power just for one year.Its too early for the desperate and power hungry northern elite to start plotting.The south never did that to Buhari.Their intended action has the capacity of ruining the democratic process and wrecking the fragile unity of the country when the south is awakened to this reality.

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Their obsession with power is condemnable.Opposition to Tinubu from the point of policies,promises and programs of his administration is a democratic right of any Nigerian.People have the right to speak and criticize the Government.But attempts to whip up Northern sentiments to achieve their political ends is a dangerous political experiment and expedition at this material time.No serious southerner challenged Buhari for eight years;these power drunk Northern politicians are dragging the region to a new political journey through a land mine.

Buhari’s reign ensured nepotistical placement,installation and dominance of Northerners at strategic position of authority and power for eight years.Results had shown that they only enriched themselves,pillaged the economy of the country and pauperised our country.
The Daura homage of the disgruntled and the obsessed will fail.Our people in the North should reject this faces and their plots.They have nothing to offer.From the abandoned Baro Port,Ajaokuta,Lake Chad basin refiling and Mambilla hydro power,they failed.They came to power when the North was in the hands of terrorists and left it in the joint hands of terrorists and Bandits.The Northern Talakawa should reject their antics.

Shehu Sani is a former senator and a human right activist

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Staying Loyal: Key to Winning Elections in Nigeria-Reno Omokri



Obasanjo ,Yaradua and Jonathan during the May 29 2007 handover to President Yaradua

Reno Omokri

If you want to win an election in Nigeria, you can’t jump from party to party. Nobody who has done that has ever won an election at the centre in Nigeria from our amalgamation by the British in 1914 to now. Nobody! You can do so at the regional and state level, especially where your region has ethnic homogeneity. But in a pluralistic federation, you are toast if you do that.

Only those who have remained loyal to their parties have ever won elections as Presidents or Prime Ministers in Nigeria. Your party can go into coalition and merger with another party, or it can change its name and your reputation will remain intact. But when you leave your party to join another party, the people also leave you.

No matter what happens within your party, stay there and resolve the situation. Assert yourself th amere. Go from battleground to common ground. If you cannot lead your party out of a crisis, you will not be able to convince non-tribal critical thinking voters that you can lead the country out of crisis.

Tafawa Balewa was a member of the Northern Peoples Congress. He never changed parties. Shagari was a member of the National Party of Nigeria, which was an offshoot of the Northern Peoples Congress. He never changed parties.

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Obasanjo, Yar’adua and Jonathan were members of the Peoples Democratic Party. They never changed parties.

Buhari was a member of the All Peoples Party, which later changed its name to the All Nigeria Peoples Party. The party eventually split, and Buhari went with the Congress for Progressive Change, which, in 2013, merged with other parties to form the All Progressives Congress.

Tinubu was a member of the Social Democratic Party, which was dissolved by Abacha in 1993. Following this, he helped found the Alliance for Democracy, which merged with other parties to form the Action Congress of Nigeria in 2006. The ACN merged with other parties to form the APC in 2013.

Nigerian Politicians should learn from history. The best predictor of the future is the past. Between now and 2027, any politician who leaves his party for another party, except where there is a merger, is just wasting his time and money if he contests for the Presidency.

A country struggling with political stability cannot afford a leader who also struggles with his own mental and political stability.

Sadly, in Nigeria, to leave your party in Presidential politics is to live in pity as a perennial candidate!

Reno Omokri is a former Adviser to President Jonathan

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