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PMB And Nigeria:Anchoring The Argument On Adjuged Absenteeism



President Muhammad Buhari


By Bala Ibrahim.

Since the unhappy remark from President Muhammadu Buhari in Imo state this week, that the achievements of his government are not given the publicity they deserve, the course of the discourse has changed, with some putting the blame on the President himself, for not attaching enough importance to media and publicity, particularly publicity in a democracy.

While some are of the opinion that because of the constrains of modesty, PMB was reluctant in talking about his achievements ab initio, because they may be misconstrued as a show off, or make him look like a leader that is too proud, others hold a counter opinion. To them, in a democracy, where leaders come to power pursuant to the promises made to the electorates during campaigns, such electorates have the right to be informed, sometimes in details, the extent to which such promises made were kept. And because, by electing the leader, the electorates have entered into an unwritten contract with the leader, giving such information by the leader should not be seen as a show off, immodesty, or the blowing of the leader’s own trumpet. It is the fulfilment of an agreement.

Two things prompted this article. One was a cliché sent to me by a friend, highlighting a quote from a purported statement attributed to President Muhammadu Buhari, viz: “What is the difference between me and those who elected us to represent them, absolutely nothing. Why should Nigerian President not fly with other Nigerian public? Why do I need to embark on a foreign trip as a President with a huge crowd with public funds? Why do I need to go on foreign medical trip if we can not make our hospital functional? Why do we need to send our children to school abroad if we can not developed our university to compete with the foreign ones?”-General Muhammadu Buhari, Lecture at Chatham House London, February 21, 2015.

The second was a discussion I had same today, with my brothers in law, that paid a visit to us in the house.

I would start by addressing the cliché, with the hope of convincing my friend to understand the meaning of propaganda. According to the dictionary, Propaganda is, information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. Had my friend read the purported statement well, by checking the grammatical construction and the caricature structure of misspellings, he would have seen that they are not only in conflict with English syntax and morphology, but also out of tune with the language style of someone that was once a Governor, a Minister, a Head of State, and as of that date, a President in waiting.

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Not even in the inglorious yesteryears, when the office of Nigeria’s First Lady was occupied by someone who took delight in the use of colloquial English, was such abuse of phonology and semantics practiced. No good speechwriter would write such a repugnant speech for delivery at Chatham House, which is the world-leading policy institute with a mission to help governments and societies build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world. And Buhari’s speechwriter can not be that crackbrained. No way. It’s fake news, but through the use of propaganda, some people have spewed the garbage, in order to influence public opinion against a leader. PMB is a victim of such spin because he has absentee propagandists.

The second segment of the genesis of this article, which has to do with the discussion with my in-laws, also anchors the argument on adjudged absenteeism. Yes, absentee propagandists for PMB and his regime. My guests and I had a lengthy discussion on the seven years of PMB in power, and almost all of them were of the believe that not much has been done by the government.

But I told them it is a stereotyped opinion. The government of PMB had recorded landmark successes, but because of absentee propagandists, instead of hailing the President for such milestone achievements, he is ignorantly damned by the gullible.

After we overviewed some of the strides in infrastructural development, including roads, rail, housing, and security, they agreed that indeed much has been done, but not that much is relayed to the public. On security, yes, security, despite the current challenges, they admitted that truly Nigeria is safer today, compared to what obtained in the past.

Not a single bomb blew off in Abuja since 2015. All the sand bags and road blocks have disappeared. In fact, I told my guests, if it were in the yesteryears, I wouldn’t give them access to the house without the normal ritual of frisking, to ascertain they are free from dynamites. Such was the level of distrust, even amongst relatives.

We delved into the excesses of some aids of the President, whose performance in office is questioned by many, but who the President refused to sanction. Also here, I said, if Nigerians are serious, they should forward petitions with evidence of their wrongdoings. PMB can not be accused of inaction based on information passed around that cannot be substantiated. Such information are classified as rumours or hearsay. And I gave the example of the suspended Accountant General of the Federation that is being prosecuted, pursuant to the submission of a petition.

Food prices, Oil and gas reforms, General economic condition, Power, Agriculture and the sustained successes recorded by the military, including the good news today, of the aerial bombardment of terrorist Turji’s camp in Zamfara state were discussed. In all, when the situation today is juxtaposed with yesterday, including a comparism with the so called developed societies, Nigeria under Buhari is not doing badly.

But because some people are anchoring the argument on adjudged absenteeism, and the government has no propagandists that would blow it’s trumpet, some tend to think the issues are not being robustly tackled.


Kabiru Rurum’s Vanishing Act: What’s Behind?




By Adamu Aminu.

The sudden silence of Hon. Kabiru Alhassan Rurum, federal representative of Rano/Kibiya/Bunkure, has sparked intense speculation in Kano’s political circles. His absence from NNPP events and gatherings has raised eyebrows, fueling whispers of a rift within the party. As a prominent figure in Kano South’s political syndicate, alongside Senator Kawu Sumaila, Hon. Abdulmuminu Jibrin Kofa, and Hon. Sani Rogo, Rurum’s disappearance from the political scene is a curious phenomenon.

Reliable sources reveal that Rurum, along with his Kano South colleagues, played a crucial role in the NNPP’s gubernatorial victory, which saw Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf emerge as the winner. This marked a historic first for the Kwankwasiyya movement in Kano South.

However, following the victory, the Kano South political gladiators felt their demands were neglected, despite their significant contributions. They had requested the Secretary of the State Government position, which was denied, and later sought the speakership of the Kano State House of Assembly, which was also turned down.

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Even the speaker was picked without consulting Rurum, Kawu Sumaila, and other stakeholders in the zone.

Moreover, they have not been carried along in all the appointments made so far by the Governor, including the recent appointments of Local Government caretaker committees and their councillors.

The perceived disregard for their demands has reportedly led to Rurum’s disillusionment and withdrawal from active participation in party affairs.

Furthermore, the controversial disbandment of the five emirates created by former Governor Ganduje, despite Rurum’s earlier assurances from Governor Yusuf that they would remain untouched, has added fuel to the fire.

Rurum’s vanishing act has left many wondering if this is a tactical move or a sign of deeper issues within the party. As the proverb goes, “a tree does not move unless its roots are disturbed.” It appears that Rurum’s roots have been disturbed, and the consequences of this disturbance are yet to be fully understood.

In conclusion, Hon. Kabiru Alhassan Rurum’s sudden absence from Kano’s NNPP political scene has raised important questions about the party’s internal dynamics and the fate of its key players.

As the situation unfolds, one thing is certain – the roots of Rurum’s vanishing act will continue to be a subject of intense scrutiny and speculation in Kano’s political circles.

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Northern Politicians’ Eid Homage to Buhari: A Veiled Plot for 2027 Power Grab?-Sani



Senator Shehu Sani


Shehu Sani

The recent visits by some prominent Northern politicians to Daura appears to be the Usual Eid homage,but looking deeper and beyond the facade,it’s surreptitiously a new attempt to build a strong northern alliance using ex President Buhari as a rallying point to challenge and evict President Tinubu’s Government in 2027.It’s a regrouping of Northern political forces for the next general election.A project that will eventually kiss the dust.

They want to resurrect Buhari’s political charm and mobilise the gullible.Thesame Buhari that led Nigeria for eight years and left the North Worst than he met it.Its too early to forget.By the time he left power,poverty and insecurity was at its peak than at anytime in Nigeria’s history.They had power and wasted it;what do they want to do with it again?.

A Southerner is in power just for one year.Its too early for the desperate and power hungry northern elite to start plotting.The south never did that to Buhari.Their intended action has the capacity of ruining the democratic process and wrecking the fragile unity of the country when the south is awakened to this reality.

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Their obsession with power is condemnable.Opposition to Tinubu from the point of policies,promises and programs of his administration is a democratic right of any Nigerian.People have the right to speak and criticize the Government.But attempts to whip up Northern sentiments to achieve their political ends is a dangerous political experiment and expedition at this material time.No serious southerner challenged Buhari for eight years;these power drunk Northern politicians are dragging the region to a new political journey through a land mine.

Buhari’s reign ensured nepotistical placement,installation and dominance of Northerners at strategic position of authority and power for eight years.Results had shown that they only enriched themselves,pillaged the economy of the country and pauperised our country.
The Daura homage of the disgruntled and the obsessed will fail.Our people in the North should reject this faces and their plots.They have nothing to offer.From the abandoned Baro Port,Ajaokuta,Lake Chad basin refiling and Mambilla hydro power,they failed.They came to power when the North was in the hands of terrorists and left it in the joint hands of terrorists and Bandits.The Northern Talakawa should reject their antics.

Shehu Sani is a former senator and a human right activist

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Staying Loyal: Key to Winning Elections in Nigeria-Reno Omokri



Obasanjo ,Yaradua and Jonathan during the May 29 2007 handover to President Yaradua

Reno Omokri

If you want to win an election in Nigeria, you can’t jump from party to party. Nobody who has done that has ever won an election at the centre in Nigeria from our amalgamation by the British in 1914 to now. Nobody! You can do so at the regional and state level, especially where your region has ethnic homogeneity. But in a pluralistic federation, you are toast if you do that.

Only those who have remained loyal to their parties have ever won elections as Presidents or Prime Ministers in Nigeria. Your party can go into coalition and merger with another party, or it can change its name and your reputation will remain intact. But when you leave your party to join another party, the people also leave you.

No matter what happens within your party, stay there and resolve the situation. Assert yourself th amere. Go from battleground to common ground. If you cannot lead your party out of a crisis, you will not be able to convince non-tribal critical thinking voters that you can lead the country out of crisis.

Tafawa Balewa was a member of the Northern Peoples Congress. He never changed parties. Shagari was a member of the National Party of Nigeria, which was an offshoot of the Northern Peoples Congress. He never changed parties.

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Obasanjo, Yar’adua and Jonathan were members of the Peoples Democratic Party. They never changed parties.

Buhari was a member of the All Peoples Party, which later changed its name to the All Nigeria Peoples Party. The party eventually split, and Buhari went with the Congress for Progressive Change, which, in 2013, merged with other parties to form the All Progressives Congress.

Tinubu was a member of the Social Democratic Party, which was dissolved by Abacha in 1993. Following this, he helped found the Alliance for Democracy, which merged with other parties to form the Action Congress of Nigeria in 2006. The ACN merged with other parties to form the APC in 2013.

Nigerian Politicians should learn from history. The best predictor of the future is the past. Between now and 2027, any politician who leaves his party for another party, except where there is a merger, is just wasting his time and money if he contests for the Presidency.

A country struggling with political stability cannot afford a leader who also struggles with his own mental and political stability.

Sadly, in Nigeria, to leave your party in Presidential politics is to live in pity as a perennial candidate!

Reno Omokri is a former Adviser to President Jonathan

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