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Kano contributed 2 point 5 billion naira for the completion of Dala Inland Dry Port-Gawuna



Alhaji Nasiru Yusuf Gawuna acting Governor with the minister of transportation



Kano State Government says it has contributed about two point five billion naira for the construction of access roads,perimeter fencing,electricity and other social amenities to the Dala Inland Dry Port project in order to ensure its speedy completion.

Kano State Acting Governor Dr.Nasiru Yusuf Gawuna who disclosed this on friday when Minister of Transportation Alh.Mu’azu Jaji Sambo paid a familiarisation visit to Dry Port’s Office at Zawaciki in Kumbotso Local Government Area of the State also said that the State Government made sure that the project becomes a reality through provision of enabling environment because it would lead to economic development not only for Kano and its neighbouring States but also for Niger,Cameroon and Chad Republics.

Gawuna while reading the speech of the Governor further said Kano is the commercial and investment nerve Centre of Northern Nigeria and the largest non oil and gas economy in the country with a GDP of approximately twelve billion US dollars making it potentially viable for investors therefore the project is meant for harnessing the resource potentials of the State towards improving the livelihood of the teeming populace. Adding that this becomes necessary given the fact that the crude oil revenue on which the country depends has tremendously dropped.

” Dala Inland Dry Port was initiated to act as a catalyst to improve trade flows,boost Inland trading and revitalise export of agricultural products leading to multi product economy he said”.

In his address the Minister of Transportation, Engr.Jaji Sambo while declaring the Dala Inland Dry Port as Port of Origin and Destination said Kano with sizeable number of textiles,agro allied and several manufacturing industries not only suited but most qualified for an Inland dry port.

According to him the Inland Dry Port was conceived as part of the Federal Government’s port reform programme designed to decongest the sea ports while also taking shipping and port services closer to importers and exporters in the hinterland,however Dala Inland Dry Port that started many years ago has now come fruition.

The Minister therefore called on the Business Community and Investors to take full advantage of facility for the import and export of their cargoes.

In his remarks, the Chairman of Dala Inland Dry Port, Alh.Abubakar Sahabo Bawuro explained that the board resolved from the inception to develop a facility that would function as an efficient digital and regulatory compliant port that would minimise contact between cargo and man.

He added that the position of Dala Inland Dry Port is unique and that caused its introduction in the linkage made by the Federal Government in the standard gauge railway line to link Maradi in Niger Republic through the port from Lagos.

“At the moment, the narrow gauge railway line is fully connected the port and tested. It can provide the services required from Lagos to Kano and the second leg to destinations in Niger Republic can be completed by road he said”.

In a statement issued to newsmen by Hassan Musa Fagge acting governor’s CPS said Babawuro commended the Federal Government and Kano State Governor Dr.Abdullahi Umar Ganduje for their support towards making the project a reality.



Eid El Adha,Kano NUJ Rejoices With Muslims



NUJ Logo


As Muslims mark this year’s Eid Kabir the Kano council of Nigeria Union of Journalists felicitates with Muslims on the occassion.

The council calls on the people to reflect on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ( PBH ) which includes, love tolerance, brotherhood and generosity.

The NUJ emphasizes the need for the business community to guard against artificial increase on the prices of essential commodities while politicians should be conscious of unacceptable conduct detrimental to the growth of the society.

The council also felicitates with Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, Ulama’s, traditional institutions and all.

In a statement issued to newsmen by the council chairman comrade Abbas Ibrahim and Secretary Abba Murtala said the NUJ while sympathizes with the people over the unpleasant economic conditions calls on authorities to urgently put in place an effective mechanism that will address the unfortunate trend.

The council stresses the need for all to always be law abiding and parents to be watchful of their wards especially during the sallah period.
It prayed for rancour free Eid ADHA celebrations and prosperous rainy season.

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Ed-Elkabir:ASSOMEG Urges Tinubu ,Governors To Ease Economic Hardship



Some Nigerian Governors


The Association of Online Media Guild (ASSOMEG) has congratulated all Nigerian Muslims on the celebration of this year’s Eid-ul-Kabir 2024.

In a statement issued to newsmen, signed by the association’s interim chairman Abdullateef Abubakar Jos and interim secretary Abbas Yushau Yusuf, it was said that the celebration calls for sober reflection and more supplication to Almighty Allah to ease the hardship being faced by Nigerians during one of the most challenging economic times.

Jos also used the opportunity, on behalf of the members of the Online Media Guild, to congratulate President Bola Ahmad Tinubu and Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State.

He said the association calls on the two leaders and the rest of the 36 Nigerian governors to ensure they improve the welfare of the Nigerian masses during these trying times.

The Association of Online Media Guild is a conglomeration of online media practitioners across Nigeria with its headquarters in Kano.

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Kano Police Commissioner Disobeying My Orders -Gov. Yusuf




The  Kano State Government has expressed concern over the actions of the State Police Commissioner, who has been accused of disobeying the directives of the Governor, particularly regarding the banning of Eid-el-Kabir festivities.

In a joint press conference held at the Africa House of the Government House, the State Attorney General and Commissioner for justice, Haruna Isa Dederi, addressed the ongoing issues, stating, “I am compelled to address you once again on behalf of His Excellency, the Executive Governor and the Government of  Kano State over the unfortunate activities of some enemies of the State that are hell-bent on causing a breakdown of law and order in our State.”

The government highlighted a series of actions that have contributed to the current tension, including the recent passing and signing of the Kano State Emirate Councils (Repeal) Bill, 2024.

“On May 23, 2024, the State House of Assembly passed the bill, which was promptly signed into law by the Governor after thorough consultations with relevant stakeholders and law enforcement agencies.” The government stated.

The Attorney General who spoke on behalf of Governor Abba Yusuf noted that despite the measures, certain individuals have been accused of attempting to destabilize the state.

Some people are desperately scheming to unjustly penalize the people of  Kano for keeping to the tradition of radical politics of voting with their conscience,” the statement read, referring to the repeal of the 2019 Emirates Law and the ensuing litigation.

The government also addressed the recent judgment by the Federal High Court No. 3 in  Kano, which claimed that the former emir’s fundamental rights were infringed upon, including allegations of house arrest. The Kano State Government disputed this, stating, “No one forced him into Gidan Nassarawa, belonging to the government of Kano State. He went in there and stayed there on his own volition accompanied by security guards. Therefore, no one put him under house arrest.”

The government emphasized the Governor’s constitutional duty as the Chief Security Officer of the State to ensure the protection of lives and properties. “When the former emir came in accompanied by hoodlums clearly threatening the peace and orderliness of the State, the Governor was under a duty to act to ensure peace, and that was why he issued the arrest order,” it said, noting that the arrest was never actually carried out by security agencies.

Further concerns were raised about the Police Commissioner’s actions, particularly the unilateral decision to ban Eid-el-Kabir festivities without consulting the Governor or the State Security Council. “How can anybody in his right senses ban Sallah festivities in  Kano? And when did the State Governor cease to be the Chief Security Officer of the State that he will only see such a ban on social media?” the statement questioned, accusing the Commissioner of consistently disobeying legitimate instructions and hiding behind “orders from above.”

The government called on all well-meaning Nigerians and international friends of Nigeria to intervene and allow the people of  Kano to live in peace. “Any attempt by anybody to undo that is an assault on democracy,” the statement concluded, urging the people of Kano to continue their legitimate activities peacefully and promising to keep them informed as events unfold.


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