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Kano 2023: Abba Gida Gida Clinches NNPP Governorship Ticket



Abba Gida Gida and NNPP National leader senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso


The gubernatorial flag bearer of the New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP), in Kano, Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf has said that loyalty and continuity in the fight against graft would be one of his major cardinal thrusts, if voted to power as the executive governor of Kano State.

Addressing tens of thousands of party supporters who converged on Sani Abacha Youth Centre in Kano at the affirmation of his candidacy Monday, Yusuf stated that as an off-shoot of the immediate past administration of Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso he would strive to forge ahead with the giant strides of his boss in myriad spheres of human endeavour adding that his loyalty to Kwankwaso and Kwankwasiyya ideology would remain unshakeable throughout the tenure of his leadership.

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In a press statement made available to news men by his Spokesman, Malam Sanusi Bature Dawakin-Tofa the NNPP gubernatorial flag bearer posited that, his administration was determined to reposition the State on its rightful stage through people oriented and inclusive government, where every stakeholder would be engaged in the critical policy formulation and implementation expressing optimism that the NNPP has gathered momentum not only in Kano but in Nigeria as a whole.

He said” I have no iota of doubt that when voted to power come the year 2023, in Sha Allah, the party would execute meaningful projects throughout the country. here in Kano, we are determined to run the State through good governance with utmost attention given on accountability, transparency and responsiveness”.

“If given the mandate, we shall by the grace of God accord priority to education at all levels, Health care services, Agricultural transformation, Infrastructure Development, Security and job creation through employment and empowerment, Civil Service reform and the restoration of Local Government Service” he stressed.

“Distinguished Delegates, Fellow Kanawas, Ladies and Gentlemen, we will work tirelessly to restore the lost glory of Kano and dignify once again its image in the eyes of the world which has been rubbished by self-centred Government in the last seven years” he remarked.

“Our loyalty and continuity shall be on fight against corruption not on stocking dollars it shall be on continuity and development projects not on land grabbing of public schools, Hospitals, Grave yards, Badala etc. Our continuity shall also be on straightening the Civil Service through training, promotion, recruitment and timely payment of pension and salaries” he retorted.

“It shall also be continuity with the protection of lives and properties of all citizens and residents within the State not on financing thuggery, and drug abuse. above all, it shall be continuity with the entrenchment of true democratic values and not truncating democracy through the illegality of inconclusiveness” he concluded.

The convention returning officer Senator Bala Aujara said Abba was returned unopposed by the delegates from the 44 Local Government Areas.


Ed-Elkabir:ASSOMEG Urges Tinubu ,Governors To Ease Economic Hardship



Some Nigerian Governors


The Association of Online Media Guild (ASSOMEG) has congratulated all Nigerian Muslims on the celebration of this year’s Eid-ul-Kabir 2024.

In a statement issued to newsmen, signed by the association’s interim chairman Abdullateef Abubakar Jos and interim secretary Abbas Yushau Yusuf, it was said that the celebration calls for sober reflection and more supplication to Almighty Allah to ease the hardship being faced by Nigerians during one of the most challenging economic times.

Jos also used the opportunity, on behalf of the members of the Online Media Guild, to congratulate President Bola Ahmad Tinubu and Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State.

He said the association calls on the two leaders and the rest of the 36 Nigerian governors to ensure they improve the welfare of the Nigerian masses during these trying times.

The Association of Online Media Guild is a conglomeration of online media practitioners across Nigeria with its headquarters in Kano.

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Kano Police Commissioner Disobeying My Orders -Gov. Yusuf




The  Kano State Government has expressed concern over the actions of the State Police Commissioner, who has been accused of disobeying the directives of the Governor, particularly regarding the banning of Eid-el-Kabir festivities.

In a joint press conference held at the Africa House of the Government House, the State Attorney General and Commissioner for justice, Haruna Isa Dederi, addressed the ongoing issues, stating, “I am compelled to address you once again on behalf of His Excellency, the Executive Governor and the Government of  Kano State over the unfortunate activities of some enemies of the State that are hell-bent on causing a breakdown of law and order in our State.”

The government highlighted a series of actions that have contributed to the current tension, including the recent passing and signing of the Kano State Emirate Councils (Repeal) Bill, 2024.

“On May 23, 2024, the State House of Assembly passed the bill, which was promptly signed into law by the Governor after thorough consultations with relevant stakeholders and law enforcement agencies.” The government stated.

The Attorney General who spoke on behalf of Governor Abba Yusuf noted that despite the measures, certain individuals have been accused of attempting to destabilize the state.

Some people are desperately scheming to unjustly penalize the people of  Kano for keeping to the tradition of radical politics of voting with their conscience,” the statement read, referring to the repeal of the 2019 Emirates Law and the ensuing litigation.

The government also addressed the recent judgment by the Federal High Court No. 3 in  Kano, which claimed that the former emir’s fundamental rights were infringed upon, including allegations of house arrest. The Kano State Government disputed this, stating, “No one forced him into Gidan Nassarawa, belonging to the government of Kano State. He went in there and stayed there on his own volition accompanied by security guards. Therefore, no one put him under house arrest.”

The government emphasized the Governor’s constitutional duty as the Chief Security Officer of the State to ensure the protection of lives and properties. “When the former emir came in accompanied by hoodlums clearly threatening the peace and orderliness of the State, the Governor was under a duty to act to ensure peace, and that was why he issued the arrest order,” it said, noting that the arrest was never actually carried out by security agencies.

Further concerns were raised about the Police Commissioner’s actions, particularly the unilateral decision to ban Eid-el-Kabir festivities without consulting the Governor or the State Security Council. “How can anybody in his right senses ban Sallah festivities in  Kano? And when did the State Governor cease to be the Chief Security Officer of the State that he will only see such a ban on social media?” the statement questioned, accusing the Commissioner of consistently disobeying legitimate instructions and hiding behind “orders from above.”

The government called on all well-meaning Nigerians and international friends of Nigeria to intervene and allow the people of  Kano to live in peace. “Any attempt by anybody to undo that is an assault on democracy,” the statement concluded, urging the people of Kano to continue their legitimate activities peacefully and promising to keep them informed as events unfold.


Daily News

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Ganduje felicitates with Muslim Umma on Eid al-Adha



Governor Abdullahi ,Umar Ganduje


The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje has extended his warmest congratulations to Muslim
Umma in Nigeria on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

A statement by Edwin Olofu, the Chief Press Secretary to the National Chairman of APC that was made available to newsmen stated that the “Festival of Sacrifice” is a celebration of faith, obedience, and devotion.

Mr Olofu quoted his principal to describe the important festival as a day to commemorate the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of obedience to Allah’s command.

He said “As we mark this significant event in the Islamic calendar, Nigerians should acknowledge the values of sacrifice, compassion, and generosity that are embodied in the spirit of Eid al-Adha.

Ganduje said, “We recognize the importance of this occasion in promoting unity, love, and harmony among all Nigerians, regardless of their religious beliefs or backgrounds, and these lessons should bring us closer together in our march to attain nationhood.”

He charged Nigerians to come together at this auspicious time to “celebrate our diversity and strengthen our bonds as one nation.”

“As we celebrate Eid al-Adha, we should also remember those who are less fortunate and those affected by the current challenges in our country by extending love in solidarity and support for one another.”

He enjoined Nigerians to reflect on the lesson of the festival by sustaining its values and principles in support of Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s administration in his steady steps to make Nigeria great.

Ganduje assured Nigerians that the President is making the right decisions to revamp the economy and curtail the insecurity in the country, pleading with Nigerians to give the government time.

Once again, I congratulate all Nigerians on this auspicious occasion and wish everyone a happy Eid al-Adha


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