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What No One Will Tell You



By Sir Kuli Kuli

This is the time to wake our Youths from our ‘slumbering paralysis’. Understand that everything you’ll post on social media wont change our condition. Elections are not won and running of government is not done on Twitter, facebook or Instagram!.

In 1999 General Election, ‘we’ voted Obasanjo of PDP that won with 18,738,154 votes while Olu Falae of AD-APP got 11,110,287 votes.


In the 2003 General Election, majority voted Muhammadu Buhari of ANNP that got 12,710,022 votes while OBJ of PDP won with 24,456,140 votes.

In 2007 General Election, majority voted Muhammadu Buhari of ANPP that got 6,605,299 votes while Umaru Musa Yar’aduwa of PDP won with 24,638,063 votes.

In 2011 General Election, ‘we’ voted for Muhammadu Buhari of CPC that got 12,214,853 votes while Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of PDP won with 22,495,187 votes.

In 2015 General Election, ‘we’ voted for Muhammadu Buhari of APC that won with 15,424,921 votes while Goodluck Ebele Jonathan got 12,853,162 votes.

In 2019 General Election, ‘we’ voted for Muhammadu Buhari of APC that won with 15,191,847 while Alh. Atiku Abubakar got 11,262,978 votes.

Now, the youths should flash back and quietly ponder about what they have achieved through out these years politically. While analyzing 1999-2019 elections. The questions to ask: Is there any personal benefit or collective progress to your family and especially the society at large from your political participation or comradeship?.

What are you currently doing toward 2023 election?. Would you just sit waiting for the time and be the usual Campaign guy/lady or even the brainwashed supporter that argue and post on social media for politicians through out the campaigning/electioneering period; only for election to come and go without having any relevance or influence on either the policy making process or the makers of the policy?.

Are you among those that still believe joining politics or politicians is corruption? Or you still believing that politics of money, religious sentiment, party extremism, regional choice, tribal, ethnocentrism and other affiliation will ever favor the Youths?.

Do you still understand why the youths are yet to have any reasonable value in governance? or why we are never considered any important in the budget, or respected in decision making, or given any capacity, or our voices be heared and treated as a critical stakeholders?.

Mr Man wake up!. Miss Lady wise up!. ‘Sitdon dey luk, na so you go dey old with no added value after every 4 years’. Your activism, integrity, calculations, religion, consciousness, hopes and aspirations are limited if you are not part of the decision making process or the “Clique!”.

Yes!, you either be part of the makers of the ‘National Decision’ or be part of who they know and respect; if not you’re wasting your time, energy, resources and even your life may be meaningless or wasted as time goes. It is not about ‘Not Too Young to Run’, it is about ‘Not Too Rich and Unconnected to Contest!’.

Weather we like it or not, elections are what bring those that make the laws and the ones to execute them. What are we doing toward contesting, joining party politics, forming structures or working to influence our electoral process massively?.

We are still either shy or afraid to associate with politics and politicians yet we want to see change!. We claim to be ‘Comrades’ or ‘Men of Integrity’ but allowing the ones we call ‘dirty’ to be contesting and associating with politics. Do ‘Activists’ make laws and policies more than the ‘Partisan Politicians’?.

Do ‘Comrades’ decide the prizes of commodity in our markets?. Do imams or pastors decide when ASUU strikes are suspended?. Do your refusal to participate in politics in order to be called ‘good guy’ stops the politicians and their kids from their foreign medical and educational trips?.

Nigeria confident of eradicating HIV/AIDS before 2030 target

I remembered in February 2013, together with friends like Shamo in Zaria, we made plans about 2015, 2019, 2023, 2027, 2031, 2035, 2039, 2043, 2047, 2051, 2055 and 2059 elections..Exactly 48 years of pure calculations and ‘working the Plan’.

This foresight is not because we are Mad or over ambitious, but because we’re planning to be among the Nigeria’s most conscious citizens that wont just sit and watch things happening, but to be part or even make them happen.

Remember, if you don’t participate in the political process of your nation, you’re a part of the ‘National Problem’-more of a liability and a threat!. I am one of the youth to be part of politics and will continue to be.

I challenge our youths to start making plans, taking steps, mobilizing all resources, forming cliques, acting hard and working toward becoming ‘Cabals’ in the process, DON’T ALLOW 2023 TO PICK YOU BY SURPRISE. Choose any realistic political party that share similar ideology with you wisely.

If you’re an activist, ensure to be an ‘Activist for social and political change’. Even the richest business men, respected religious clerics, traditional rulers, and even the so called stubborn comrades participate in political processes; directly or indirectly.

The bitter truth is, politics breeds government, while the government controls everything and everyone, including our religions and livelihood. Don’t be fooled by speculations and ‘dustbin theories’. Work with realities to define relevance for yourself and the society.

This is just my sincere advise from me, to me and to every Nigerian Youth. I am optimistic that we would talk about this again after the 2023 election; if there’s ‘life and luck’.

Zaid Ayuba Alhaji write from Kano.
08069835881, comradezaid6@gmail.com


The Wike ,I never Expect-Abba Hamisu



Governor Wike making the address


Abba Hamisu

Glad to be a resident of Abuja the Federal Capital Territory FCT,glad to have Nyesom Wike as FCT Minister .

Yes in past nine years particularly from 2014 to 2022 I frequently visit Abuja from Kano mostly by air as one of my clients that I provide TV content for them paid the bill on weekly basis together with one or two of my workers at Time Base TvAfrica ,but from the Airport to my hotel all I see then was dust plus harders walking freely around some of the strategic areas of the city .

But with coming of the former Rivers State Governor Wike who mostly perceived to be a stubborn politician ,things have suddenly change overnight.

What I mean by overnight is that the man have change the face of Abuja within one year. I am proud with this development and appreciate the support of Dr. Bunkure ,the State Minister of FCT who was the former Commissioner for Higher Education in Kano State from 2019 to 2023.

With out bothering you much ,what really passionate me about this man is the completion of the Abuja Metro rail which was initiated during the second tenure of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo.

Serial FCT Ministers couldn’t complete this project but Wike did. From Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport to the National Stadium down to Edu rail station up to the Central area ,the main Metro stations,was a lovely journey,free of charge for all passengers including me on 7th June 2024 .And according to the plan ,the train will be free up to December 2024.

So Abuja residents like me and Visitors have every right to enjoy this giant project of Wike.

Congratulations Abuja residents and Nigerians by Extension.

My hope is to see Kano light rail soon ,forget about politics ,Governor Yusuf should learn from Wike ,as Prophet of Islam (S A.W ) said “Wisdom is the property of a pious man ,he should pick it where ever he see’s it”.

Kano need modern transportation system fly overs and under passes alone can not provide the needed solutions.

Abba Hamisu Sani ,is the CEO Time Base TvAfrica/Nigerian Bureau Chief Africa Press and the National Coordinator Society For Patriotic Journalism.

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Federal Government Agents Must Uphold the Law, Not Cause Havoc in Kano



Emir Of Kano Muhammadu Sunusi II


By Turaki Abubakar

The recent turmoil surrounding the emirship throne in Kano is distressing and alarming. I am compelled to speak out against the blatant disregard for the law and moral integrity by federal government agents and certain political factions.

Governor Kabir Abba Yusuf has signed into law a decision that deposed the five emirs, effectively reinstating Muhammadu Sanusi II as the Emir of Kano. However, federal security institutions, including the Nigerian Army, Police, and the Department of State Services (DSS), are allegedly working against the implementation of this law, undermining the state’s legal authority.

The complicity of former Governor Ganduje and his camp in this legal defiance is evident. They are abusing the judicial process by rushing to federal courts in Abuja for matters that should be under the exclusive jurisdiction of state high courts. This is a dangerous precedent for federal overreach into state matters.

It is shameful and degrading for institutions like the Nigerian military, police force, and DSS to be allegedly compromised in this manner. Their involvement in this unconstitutional stand-off is a direct affront to the resolutions passed by the Kano State House of Assembly and signed into law by Governor Abba.

The jurisdictional issues are clear. State high courts have exclusive jurisdiction over chieftaincy matters, not federal courts. The Federal High Court has overstepped its bounds by entertaining cases related to the emirship that are the purview of state courts.

I urge senior lawyers, citizens, and all those with a conscience to speak out against this encroachment on Kano’s autonomy and legal integrity. The law must take its rightful place. Aminu Ado Bayero is no longer the Emir of Kano, and unless the law is repealed and his appointment reversed, Muhammadu Sanusi II remains the duly appointed Emir.

In conclusion, the federal government must refrain from encouraging impunity and ensure that its agents respect the rule of law. The institutions responsible for maintaining law and order should not be used as tools for political maneuvering and unconstitutional actions. It is high time that the federal government upholds the principles of justice and legality, allowing Kano State to govern its affairs without undue interference.

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Governor Yusuf’s One Year: How Pensioners Were Saved from Grass to Grace



Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf Of Kano State


By Emmanuel Pascal

As an ardent follower of Nigerian politics for years and a former resident of Kano before settling in my hometown, I found it extremely important to write about one of the key achievements of the Governor of my second native state, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, a governor who was elected by the masses to right the wrongs of Dr. Ganduje administration.

When we were growing up as kids in Kano, our parents, who worked as contractors for the Kano State Government’s civil service, would tell us how progressive politics made Kano different from other Nigerian states.

By the time old age forced our parents to leave the state, some of us who were born there continued to keenly follow the political trends in Kano.

I was discussing with my father, who has been retired for many years. He was telling me how the former APC administration in Kano created artificial poverty among the state’s teeming pensioners. I said, “Baba, that is an old story now. Do you know the red cap revolutionaries in Kano politics, led by Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, have stopped that and have since cleared the backlog of pensions and arrears?”

I continued to highlight some of the achievements my father was interested in, and the conversation continued like this.


By prioritizing the well-being of retirees, his administration efforts in settling all outstanding pension arrears for those who dedicated their lives to public service, has provided much-needed financial stability in the state. This has helped in reducing the burden of uncertainty, allowing retirees to enjoy their golden years with dignity.

His administration also halted unnecessary deductions from the salaries of state workers and retirees. He ensured that their hard-earned wages remain intact, establishing trust and goodwill among civil servants in order to boost their morale and enhance productivity.

Within his one year in office, Pensioners who had waited patiently for years finally received their due. He earmarked N11 billion to demonstrate the state government’s commitment to fulfilling part of the promises made to its retirees.

Governor Abba’s administration also ensured that the families of deceased civil servants receive their rightful benefits. By settling death benefits and gratuities, his administration acknowledges the sacrifices made by these individuals and provides much-needed support during difficult times.

Father, apart from that, he has since introduced biometric capture of the pensioners in order to flush out ghost ones from them.

He also ensured that he renovated the staff office at Audu Bako Secretariat and stopped the deduction of salary of staff of the pensioners.


When I finished, Baba said that is wonderful, and he even told me he has a friend who was a retired permanent secretary in Kano. He said for his monthly pension under the former APC administration, the sum of 50 thousand Naira was being deducted from his salary, which has now stopped under Governor Abba’s administration.

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