Ruqayya Yushau Yusuf In a world where science and technology offer endless opportunities, the TechGirls program becomes a source of empowerment for young girls and women...
Faizu Idris Ibrahim Educational Expertise Education is one of the key gifts that Almighty ever bestowed upon human creatures, it is through education that human beings...
Dr Saleh Abba Time flown by and it’s been incredibly four years since I last connected with the extraordinary Dr Mariya Mahmoud Bunkure. But let me...
Peter Fatomilola was born on 16th January, 1946 at Ifisin, Ido-Osi, a city in Ekiti state, South-western Nigeria to the family of Late Chief Abraham...
Join me celebrate a dear brother and proud son of Gombe, Umar Sanusi Mohammed on his outstanding academic achievements, and doing us proud in far away...
Aliyu Yusuf Falgore Rt. Hon. Yusuf Abdullahi Falgore, a man of remarkable integrity and selflessness, was born seventy years ago in the heart of Falgore ward,...
Meet the incredible mother and supervisor of Arewa Youths Mentorship Program (AYMP), Professor Rabi’a Salihu Sa’id. She has consistently been a remarkable role model and...
By: AbdurRaheem Sa’ad Dembo The Registrar of the Joints Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Professor Ishaq Oloyede has been a consistent academic and administrator. It...
By Dr. Muhammad Jameel Yushau By 2 pm yesterday, the vast majority of pilgrims in our camp had adorned themselves in vibrant Eid attire, creating a...
By Ahmad Muhammad Danyaro The story of the AIG Nuhu Ribadu (RTD) is that of triumph of the human vicissitude. His life is a proof that with strong...