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FG, Tinubu and Daily Trust’s faux pas on Samoa Agreement




By Abdulaziz Abdulaziz

On Wednesday, October 2, the Daily Trust newspaper came out with the long overdue public apology to the Federal Government over its erroneous reporting of July 4, 2024, on the Samoa Agreement. It was a needful closure to a touchy controversy. It is a commendable gesture on part of the Media Trust management. It is not everyone that has the humility to admit wrongdoing. This has now settled the matter and brought to rubbles the scornful allegations contained in the story under reference.

The watery lead story of July 4, 2024 alleged that the Samoa Agreement, signed by the Federal Government (among other nations that constitute the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, also known as OACPS) with the European Union (EU) contained clauses that promote LGBTQ rights. To make it more salacious the story linked it to an imaginary $150 billion in benefits. Astonishingly, there is nowhere in the story evidence was provided to support both claims. There couldn’t have been as neither LGBTQ (or anything close to it) nor $150 billion was mentioned anywhere in the bulky multilateral document.

In its apology, Daily Trust said it agreed wholly with the verdict passed by the independent panel constituted by the Nigerian Media Complaint Commission (NMCC). The panel’s report released on September 23, 2024, following interrogation of the Federal Government’s complaint, was unequivocal. “The NMCC finds that the 403-page Samoa Agreement does not contain any clause that compels underdeveloped and developing nations to support the agitations by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community for recognition as a condition for getting financial and other supports from advanced nations. Indeed, there is no reference whatsoever in the agreement to the issue of LGBTQ.”

I was appalled by the story first as a professional, before anything else. My social media post on the day it was published harped on its lack of the rudimentary journalistic requirement, viz. evidence. It was a comment I could have made even if I were not in government. Frankly, it is still a wonder how that story passed the crucible of the Trust newsroom, where I had worked and knew the editorial rigour.


Expectedly, the story whipped up tempers. Tongues were set wagging, mostly in one direction and, because the story came from a medium trusted for its journalism, everyone –except for discerning professionals–took it to be the gospel truth. Fortunately, or not, the story came out on Thursday. For its socio-religious sensitivity, it instantly became the main topic of discussion everywhere, especially in the Muslim North. Our dear imams were enraged. I don’t blame them because, again, the story came from Trust!

As if the anger wasn’t enough, some opposition figures followed the fire with more tinder. They went about mobilizing some religious leaders overnight to come out hard on the government. The next day most of the imams went to the minbar writhing with anger armed only with the wrong information. They poured out invectives at a government they supported but which was now “courting calamity greater than the economic hardship” on its people, as one of them put it. President Tinubu, the administration and all of us working with it were anathematised for “selling out the country to promoters of LGBTQ”. There was nothing the government couldn’t do for money, it was said. The congregants left the mosques angrier.

In the ensuing days, professionals and media organisations, some of them known to be very critical of the current administration, came out to fault the reporting as lacking in merit. Those who gave outright verdicts against the Daily Trust story either through fact-checks or analyses include the BBC, PREMIUM TIMES, The Punch, Prof Farooq Kperogi, a Daily Trust columnist – Dr Suleiman A. Suleiman, the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), among others. The expectation was for a clear and immediate retraction, as it was clear that the paper got it wrong. Bouyed by the emotional sermons and partisan support from some quarters, the paper held on despite acknowledging “lapses in our reporting”.

In the wake of the controversy, we went through great pains trying to explain why there was no wolf around the Samoa Agreement as the drafters of the Daily Trust story wanted Nigerians to believe. I asked: In what ways had the agreement altered provisions of the Nigerian laws on LGBTQ? What are the practical implications that indicate support? I got accursed, rather than answers. It was painful to see almost everyone, especially up North turn their back against reason choosing to go with the contorted story that failed to quote even a line from the agreement to support its claims.

Exasperating as it was, I don’t blame the clergy and the larger public for the harsh judgement. The blame lies squarely on the doorstep of Trust. And this is the purpose of this post-mortem piece. Journalistic powers are akin to those of a soldier with a gun. Releasing the trigger in the wrong direction could kill or maim the innocent, and no amount of apology or even reprimand of the culprit could cure the loss suffered by the innocent. This is why the old principle that says “if you’re in doubt, leave it out” is evergreen for journalism practice. As professionals, we know pretty well that rebuttal or retraction can never attain the mileage of the original. There are still multitudes out there that will not change opinions formed from the first story.

It is for this reason that responsible journalism is non-negotiable because as the great old Philip L. Graham, publisher of The Washington Post once said, “Journalism is the first rough draft of history.” That rough draft often has a way of sticking even if subsequent events invalidate its premise.

Yes, accountability journalism is a sine qua non for healthy democracy. However, as the legal maxim goes, he who comes to equity must come with clean hands. Accountability journalism is not a byword for stone-throwing because when all you do is throw stones you end up causing more harm than good. We must, at all times, ensure the sanctity of truth, fairness, and public good. As the celebrated American war reporter, Edward R. Murrow said, “[T]o be credible we must be truthful.”

As close with the bon mot from the grand Sardauna, Sir Ahmadu Bello, while admonishing the founding team of the New Nigerian Newspapers; “Tell the truth about us, tell us the truth about others”. We ask for no more.

Abdulaziz is Senior Special Assistant to President Tinubu on Print Media.


An Open Letter to the Federal Government of Nigeria




“There’s no smoke without fire” …Prompt action must be taken hook, line and sinker immidiately.

Assalamu Alaikum, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you.

To President Tinubu, Hon. Minister of Health, Stakeholders and all Health Practitioners of Nigeria.

I am bitterly compelled to write to you today regarding a disturbing incident that transpired at Best Choice Specialist Hospital in Kano city. The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) actions at this private hospital have demonstrated a blatant disregard for human life.

Patients and parents have reported to Alfijir Newspaper that operatives of FIRS with officials, armed with guns, stormed the hospital, threatening and forcing them to vacate the premises.


The general plebeians already vulnerable due to illness, were left to wander the streets of Kano in search of alternative healthcare, only to find that many medical facilities were unavailable due to an ongoing doctors’ strike.

It is unacceptable that the FIRS dispute with the hospital should infringe upon citizens’ right to healthcare. This conflict affects not only the hospital but the the people who seek medical attention.

Best Choice Specialist Hospital is renowned for its philanthropic efforts and commitment to providing quality healthcare to the most vulnerable members of our society.

The hospital’s management has consistently demonstrated compassion and empathy, offering free medical services to those who cannot afford them. Their selflessness has saved countless lives and alleviated suffering.

The hospital’s community outreach programs have provided vital healthcare services to rural areas, addressing pressing health concerns such as maternal and child mortality. Their collaboration with local organizations has facilitated health education, disease prevention, and awareness campaigns.

Moreover, Best Choice Specialist Hospital has been at the forefront of disaster response, providing emergency medical care during times of crisis. Their staff’s dedication and expertise have been instrumental in saving lives and mitigating the impact of devastating events.

We urge the leaders of our great nation and the Human Rights Commission to take immediate action against this abuse of power.

Furthermore, We also implore the FIRS to reconsider their approach, recognizing that their rights do not supersede those of others.

“If your own children were in need of medical care, would you not prioritize their well-being above all else?”

Solemnly we request all the stakeholders to intervene to prevent future incidents and ensure the hospital can continue its lifesaving work.

We await your prompt response and resolution on to this critical matter.

Editor-in-Chief, Alfijir Online Newspaper.

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Almajirai and Out-of-School Children: A Looming Crisis and the Path Forward




By Hassan Auwalu Muhammad

The high number of ‘Almajirai’ and out-of-school children in this country poses a significant threat to our future, especially with their increasing presence on the streets of Kano and other parts of the north. Wherever you go, particularly on the roadside, you will often see young boys or girls approaching cars, begging for food. This issue has become rampant, even among adults.

In these trying times, and with the cost of living soaring and the constant threat of kidnapping and missing children, some parents are sending their children to different parts of the country for ‘Makarantun Allo’ to pursue Qur’anic education. However, they often do this without understanding the potential risks to their children’s lives.

While It is not wrong to send your child to school to seek knowledge, but the problem arises when parents do not know their child’s situation at the school. Are they taking care of their daily needs, or do they assume that the teachers and townspeople will look after them? The answer is often no.

Many parents are unaware of the conditions their children face. They believe their children are under the good care of their scholars, fulfilling their educational purpose, which is often not the case. Additionally, some children living with their parents do not attend school because their parents are unaware of the importance of education.


These children in most cases grow up without respect for their parents, who do not take care of them or know their whereabouts. Many people, deliberately or not deliberately are not focused on these issues, or perhaps they believe that if a problem does not affect them directly, it is not their concern. If people, especially in the Northern region where this problem is severe, understood the threat we face, they would take action to resolve it before it worsens.

When President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration created the National Commission for Almajiri and Out-of-School Children Education, the current government of Bola Ahmed Tinubu continued with the trend by appointing a civil servant to lead the commission. Since then, things have started to improve.

The agency’s efforts which was actually designed to create a supportive environment for the ‘Almajirai’ and their scholars by providing study materials, healthcare facilities, and awareness programs to help them embrace modern methods of acquiring Qur’anic education. One initiative is the creation of MUSABAQA VILLAGE in some parts of the country.

The Executive Secretary of the Commission, Dr. Idris Muhammad Sani, along with dedicated staff like Malam Daha Tijjani and Nura Muhammad, actually deserve commendation for their efforts. They are consulting with ‘Alarammomi’ and experts in Qur’anic teaching, ensuring there’s no discrimination or bias among the scholars involved. And this inclusive approach, if sustained will contribute greatly to bring beneficial reforms to the Almajiri system for everyone’s future.

It is our hope that with the commission’s ongoing efforts, we can expect positive changes in the Almajiri system and out-of-school children’s education soon.

You can contact Hassan via: m.shareef1980@gmail.com

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Nigeria Police:A Service Scheduled For Supreme Sacrifice-Bala Ibrahim



Inspector General of police Kayode


By Bala Ibrahim.

Every job or service has its own hazard or hazards, depending on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools and the environment of assignment. In Nigeria, the duties of the police are spelt out as follows:

The prevention and detection of crime. The apprehension of offenders. The preservation of law and order. And finally, but most importantly, the protection of life and property. However, for some reasons that seem bizarre, while the Police is assigned the duty of protecting the life and property of the citizenry, his own life is left exposed to the possibility of being harmed, all the time.The police ethics enjoins him or her to move around always with the following quote in mind:

“I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule, develop self-restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed, both in my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the law and the regulations of my department and country”.


Last night, some Nigerians, the people of Kano state in particular, slept in agony, because of the sad story of a ghastly road accident, wherein at least five police officers attached to the Kano State Police Command were confirmed killed. According to the Kano police command’s spokesperson, SP Abdullahi Haruna, the auto accident occurred along the Kano-Zaria highway, in the wee hours of Tuesday. 11 others were also left with different degrees of injuries. SP Abdullahi said the accident happened around Karfi Village, Kura Local Government Area of Kano State, while the officers were on their way back to Kano from an official assignment. A trailer was attempting to reverse on the main road, and it rammed into the oncoming police vehicle.This is sad.

All the scriptures have told us, and we believe that indeed death is inevitable. Yes, every mortal shall die, but how he or she is going to die is the unknown. Some die peacefully in their sleep. Some die in the hospital. Some die as a result of over air-conditioning. Some die as a result of over feeding. While others die due to anxiety, occasioned by the over comfort of excessive accumulation of wealth, ill gotten wealth. They would all be classified as deaths, but some deaths come as tragedies, or even catastrophes, because of the way they happened. For some reasons, some members of the Nigeria Police Service, by design or deliberate neglect, seem destined for catastrophic death. Why?

Indeed, Police officers know that each time they put on their uniform, they are taking risks to protect others. The system that puts them on such assignment must reckon with the fact that these police officers are putting their lives on the line, for the protection of others. Sometimes, in the discharge of these duties, the police insist on checking the roadworthiness of vehicles that ply the streets, in order to ensure that they are in suitable operating condition for safe driving and transportation of people or cargo. The ambition of the police is to promote safety on public roads by reducing danger to the passengers or other road users. Yet, in most cases, their own operational vehicles are road worthless. Apart from the issue of overwork, which is largely due to poor staff strength, police on duty in Nigeria do not have enough rest, talk less of the time to adequately prepare for the next challenge. Nigeria currently has a little over 370,000 Police Officers, which is just about 1:600 Police-Citizen ratio. This leaves them under a permanent stress threat, that takes advantage of their vulnerability.

If a thorough investigation were to be made on the Kano police accident, apart from questioning the mental health of the truck driver, for reversing a trailer on the Highway, the vehicle carrying the police officers on duty may also fail the test of road worthiness. It may also be road worthless. They were sent on a national assignment, in a rickety vehicle, that was probably without brakes. And the poor police met their deaths, dreadfully. There is no single day in Nigeria today, that you don’t hear of the police being killed in one mishap or another. The news is always of unlucky accidents, and the poor police are the victims. Why? Is the police service scheduled for Supreme sacrifice?

Numerous researches have indicated that the Nigeria police officers have an elevated risk of death, relative to the general population of the country, and the reasons are specific-poor working conditions.The controversy over the life expectancy of police officers in Nigeria is not limited to poor remuneration, but also the issue of kitting. When you refuse to provide someone with the appropriate equipment for an assignment, especially such assignments that are associated with high risks, you are politely assigning the person to death.

This article is intended to serve as a tribute, not just for the officers that died yesterday, but all the police that died on duty before them. There is an honourable memorial day quote that reads:

“We don’t know them all, but we owe them all. We come not to mourn our dead heroes but to praise them. We stand for the flag, we kneel for the fallen”.

May this accident prompt the government of Nigeria to do a great deal of soul-searching, with regards the situation of the police. And may the
souls of the fallen, rest in perfect peace, ameen.

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