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Kenya Mourns Loss of Defence Chief and Top Brass in Helicopter Crash




Kenya’s defence chief and nine other top brass died on Thursday in a military helicopter crash in a remote area of the country, President William Ruto said.

Today at 2:20 pm, our nation suffered a tragic air accident… I am deeply saddened to announce the passing of General Francis Omondi Ogolla,” Ruto told reporters.

The president, who had convened an urgent meeting of the National Security Council after news of the accident emerged, said nine other “gallant military personnel” on board were also killed while two survived.

He said the Kenya Air Force has dispatched an air investigation team to establish the cause of the crash, which took place in Elgeyo Marakwet county, about 400 kilometres (250 miles) northwest of the capital Nairobi.

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The helicopter crashed shortly after takeoff from Chesegon, where he and his entourage had been visiting a school, Ruto said.

“A distinguished four-kistar general has fallen in the course of duty and in the service of the country,” he said.

“Our motherland has lost one of her most valiant generals, gallant officers, service men and woman.”

Ruto announced three days of mourning from Friday, with official flags flying at half mast.

He said Ogolla, 61, had left Nairobi on Thursday morning on an air force Huey helicopter to visit troops deployed in the North Rift area in Operation Maliza Uhalifu (Operation End Crime in Swalihi), and other sites.

Kenyan authorities have long battled insecurity in the Rift Valley region, with armed bandits and cattle rustlers rampant.

“The helicopter burst into flames after crashing and it had more than 10 senior commanders on board including General Ogolla,” a police officer had told AFP earlier.

They were in the area on a security mission because there are KDF (Kenya Defence Forces) soldiers deployed in the region,” he added.


DICAN Hails Tuggar’s Leadership As Minister Celebrates 57th Birthday



Ambassador Tuggar


The Diplomatic Correspondents’ Association of Nigeria (DICAN) has extended its felicitations to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Yussuf Tuggar, on his 57th birthday anniversary.

Tuggar, who comes from a distinguished political background in Bauchi State, has had an impressive career serving the country. His father, a prominent figure himself, served as the Organizing Secretary of the Northern People’s Congress before and after Nigeria’s independence in 1960, and later became a Senator.

Tuggar has held various notable positions. He served as Nigeria’s Ambassador to Germany from 2017 to 2023. Prior to that, he was a member of the Nigerian House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011, representing Gamawa. He also contested for the governorship of Bauchi State on two occasions.

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Chairman, Diplomatic Correspondents Association of Nigeria, DICAN, Comrade, Idehai Frederick specifically highlighted Tuggar’s contributions in securing crucial partnerships for Nigeria.

“Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs played a key role in the conceptualization of the Siemens Power deal, which aimed to significantly expand Nigeria’s electricity grid capacity.

“He is also instrumental in attracting significant funding from German institutions for the Kano-Maradi rail line project,” DICAN Chairman said.

The Association however, wished the Minister a happy 57th birthday and many more fruitful years of service to fatherland and humanity.

Meanwhile, DICAN is an association of journalists covering Diplomatic related beats in Nigeria.

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Open Letter To The President of The United States,Joe Biden-Ibrahim Khalil



President Joe Biden


176 Kabara, Kano State, Nigeria. November 5, 2023 Mr. President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500


Sir! With due respect, Mr. President, we humans should not be killing ourselves for political, economic or religious reason in the messianic age. We are now living in the Messianic age; I am the Messiah, Messiah “Son of David” alias Imam Mahdi (“The Guided One”); and I am, however, not the Hidden Imam whom Mr. President talked about, but the real Imam Mahdi. Mr. President, this is not the time when world leaders should be divided between the two sides of the Israeli-Hamas war. Why should human beings – civilians and military officers alike, and especially women and children – be killed daily

Mr. President, Allah [swt] – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – granted the Holy Land to the Patriarch Prophet Abraham [as] and blessed it for the nations so that Messiah “Son of David”, the 2nd anointed King after HM King David [as], the King of Israel, will establish a world government, which will establish real justice and peace for the Peoples of the World. The Holy Land wasn’t meant to be a war zone or graveyard for the descendants of Abraham: Arabs and Jews.

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Mr. President, a 9-Year Global Project (Re-Establishment of the Throne of David in Zion) was predestined to begin in 2023 AD/1444 AH for the creation of a world government, world economy and world religion. This was 126 years after Theodor Herzl founded the World Zionist Organization; 79 years after the creation of the IMF and the World Bank; and 1954 years after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. It is a righteous deed par excellence; and it would be undertaken by the Believers among us whom Allah [swt], the lord of the worlds, promised to bless to rule the world under King Messiah (Melekh haMashiach), the ultimate prince and King of the World.

Mr. President, I already addressed the Royal Proclamation to the United Nations, calling for the Re-Establishment of the Throne of David in Zion; the prophet Muhammad [pbuh] did prophesy the 9-year rule of Imam Mahdi (“The Guided one”) as the Caliph of the promised Caliphate: Seat of King David on Earth; and hence, I call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to save humanity regardless of race, religion or nationality throughout the world.

Thank you. Yours Sincerely, Ibrahim Khalil (+234 913 615 3018)

President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Norman Albanese President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau President of the Peoples’ Republic of China, Xi Jinping President of France, Emmanuel Macron President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo

President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella President of Japan, Fumio Kishida President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador President of Russia, Vladimir Putin King of Saudi Arabia, HM King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud The Crown Prince, HRH Muhammad ibn Salman President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol President of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan King of the United Kingdom, HM King Charles IIIPrime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu President of European Union, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi The Pope, Francis I UN Secretary General, Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres GCC GCL President of the UNGA, Dennis Francis President of the World Bank, Ajay Banga

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Unraveling the Virus of Coup d’État in African Francophone Nations



Abubakar Ibrahim


Abubakar Ibrahim

The political landscape of Africa has long been marked by its share of upheavals, and the emergence of coup d’états is not a new phenomenon. However, recent events across several African countries, predominantly Francophone speaking nations, have ignited discussions about the intriguing concept of the “Contagious Theory.” This theory suggests that political unrest, specifically coup attempts, can spread like a virus from one country to another, leading to a cascading effect. Examining recent developments in nations such as Sudan, Chad, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger Republic, and Gabon provides insights into the reality of this theory in today’s African context.

The recent surge of coup d’états across Africa, particularly in Francophone countries, has captured the world’s attention. The phenomenon has gained traction due to its seemingly interconnected nature, where political events in one country have repercussions in neighboring states. The chain reaction began with Sudan, followed by Chad, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger Republic, and most recently, Gabon. These instances underscore the intricate interplay between political instability, regional dynamics, and the potential for coup contagion.

A significant pattern in this contagion is the prominence of Francophone speaking countries. This shared linguistic heritage, a remnant of colonial rule, has given rise to common cultural and political ties, providing a platform for ideas and influences to cross borders more easily. The predominance of coup attempts in Francophone African nations adds credence to the notion of a contagious theory, suggesting that once a successful coup takes place in one nation, it can inspire or embolden similar actions in neighboring states.

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The interconnectedness of African nations, both politically and economically, cannot be understated. Shared borders, regional organizations, and cross-border trade create an environment where political unrest can easily transcend boundaries. When a neighboring country experiences a successful coup, it can fuel aspirations in adjacent states, encouraging dissident factions to pursue their own attempts at political change.

The recent coup attempts highlight the various factors that contribute to the spread of political unrest. Socioeconomic disparities, corruption, inadequate governance, and ethnic tensions all play a role in creating fertile ground for the emergence of coups. The willingness of militaries to intervene in politics, coupled with a disillusioned citizenry, further exacerbates the susceptibility to coup contagion.

While the contagious theory offers valuable insights into the spread of political instability, it also raises concerns about the potential for a domino effect. The continued occurrence of coups across Africa could lead to a destabilizing cycle of power transitions, hindering long-term development and governance. Addressing the root causes of political unrest, enhancing regional cooperation, and promoting democratic institutions are crucial steps in breaking the cycle of contagion.

However, the recent wave of coup d’états in African Francophone nations underscores the complex nature of political dynamics in the region. While the concept of the contagious theory adds an intriguing perspective to these events, it is essential to remember that each country’s circumstances are unique. Addressing the underlying factors that contribute to political instability is paramount for building resilient societies and preventing the spread of the coup contagion. Only through a concerted effort to foster good governance, strengthen democratic institutions, and promote socioeconomic development can African nations mitigate the risks posed by this contagious phenomenon.

*Abubakar Ibrahim* can be reach via:
Mail: habuibrahim76@gmail.com
Twitter: @Abubaka02607225
Threads: @habu.mr@threads.net
IG: mr_habu_ne

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