Friday Sermon
Friday Sermon] Islam Is Simple, Don’t Make It Difficult For People!

Friday Sermon
Sermon urging the approach of rapprochement between the doctrines of scholars and preachers and unifying their ranks

Sermon urg
Delivered by:
His Eminence Imam Sheikh Dr. Abdul Kadir Al
Salman Sholagberu
The Grand Sheikh of the Ilorin Emirate, Kwara state
Imam and Khateeb at the National Mosque in Nigeria
The first sermon
Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His majesty, greatness, and
actions in general and in detail. Praise be to Allah, who has
singled out some of His creatures for honor and glorification, out
of justice and preference. Praise be to Allah, who is glorified. He
has made the surging seas, the rushing clouds, and the soaring
eyes glorify and venerate Him. He has favoured some months
over others, and has recommended to His servants the
comprehensive aspects of His piety as a law and a completion. He
has included that in three verses. Whoever understands them,
adheres to them, preserves them, and applies them will succeed
in his worldly pursuits and enjoy the reward of his afterlife.
Whoever neglects them, procrastinates in them, and ignores
them will fall into the fire of Hell, banished and ill. Your Lord
Allah the Almighty says: (O you who have believed, fear Allah as
He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.) (O
mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and
created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many
men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one
another, and the wombs. Indeed, Allah is ever, over you, an
Observer.) (O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak
words of appropriate justice. He will amend for you your deeds
and forgive your sins, and for whoever obeys Allah and His
Messenger has certainly achieved a great victory). I bear
witness that there is no god but Allah alone, without partner, and
I bear witness that our master, the joy of our eyes, and our
intercessor on the Day of Resurrection, Abu al-Qasim, the
husband of the mothers of the believers, the seal of the prophets,
the mine of secrets, the source of lights, the light of hearts, and
the medicine of bodies, Muhammad, may Allah bless him and
grant him peace, is His servant and messenger. O Allah, bless and grant him peace. And upon his family, his companions, and those
who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment..
Servants of Allah, Fear Allah as He should be feared. Fear
Allah in what is permissible, fear Allah in what is forbidden, fear
Allah in what is allowed, and fear Allah in what is doubtful.
Servants of Allah,With the advent of this blessed month,
Shaaban al-Khair, there appear and shade us with breaths of faith,
which every soul humbled before its Lord awaits and waits for.
Breaths in which Muslims acquire and imitate the morals of
angels. Breaths in which the principle of the scholars of
monotheism is true: if reasons (to do)are weak, and the deed(sins)
is done, the burden is made great, and punishment doubled, (but)
and if reason (to do) are strong, and the deed is neglected, the
benefit is made great, and reward doubled.
Servants of Allah,It’s from tracking, extrapolation and
sampling To the texts, you can hardly find a ritual of the rituals
of Islam except that it is preceded and advanced by what is known
as a form of ihramٍ, or more precisely, her key. And ihram and
the key of Hajj Talbiyah on the Day of Tarwiyah, and Ihram
And the keyFor those who want to offer a sacrifice, is to refrain
from cutting their nails or cutting their hair, except in cases of necessity, according to the most correct of the jurists’ opinions,
and the Ihram And the key to obligatory Prayers, is ablution and
purification, and ihram And the key to Acceptance of deeds, is
sincerity and following the Book and Sunnah, as well, -the
servants of God-, the Ihram and the key to the holy month of
Ramadan is the blessed month of Sha’ban, which We live its
atmosphere and breathe its fragrance(And whoever honors the
symbols of God – indeed, it is from the piety of hearts) Al-J/32.
Servants of Allah,It is not hidden from us and from you what
is customary in this month From exchanging criticisms and
insults, conflicting opinions of scholars, and social media being
filled with superficial, unfounded research, everyone’s holding
firmly onto his knowledge, party and opinion, some Muslims in
these blessed lands, when entering such a month and other
Islamic months, such asِRabi’ al-Awwal and Rabi’ al-Thaniand
Rajab, And Shaaban And even Ramadan fills the atmosphere
with differences. And in Rabi’ al-Awwal and Rabi’ al-Thani, is
it permissible to celebrate the birth of the Prophet, may God bless
him and grant him peace? In Rajab, they differ as to whether it is
permissible to fast or not. In this month, Sha’ban is also
mentioned.َIsn’t it an innovation to perform the night prayer?َThe middle of ShaabanَDid the Prophet, may God bless him and grant
him peace, fast all of Shaban? Or most of it? Is it permissible to
allocate the second half of Sha’ban for fasting? Is it true that fates
change on the night of the middle of Sha’ban? So speak and do
not be embarrassed. These differences have caused estrangement
and animosity, the consequences of which only Allah knows.
How many opportunities have they delayed and missed for
Muslims that only Allah knows!!
Preachers of the nation,Is it reasonable what is happening
between our Islamic parties of hateful gangs, severe disputes,
bitter enmities, and mutual slander, as if we are of conflicting
religions and contradictory doctrines?
Scholars of the nation,Advocates of sects, have you forgotten
or pretended to forget that society does not witness theّprogress
of her people, people will not be happy, nor will they be
successful in progress and development, except through your
unity, except through your righteousness, except through your
rapprochement, except through your following the approach of
rapprochement between the religious sects and parties present in
the state. Scholars of the nation,What we have seen in Rabi al-Awwal
and Rabi’ al-Thani and In Rajab, and what we are seeing now of
conflicting scientific messages, everyone criticizes those who
disagree with him. By God, they are nothing more than
differences in the deduction of scholars regarding the optional
and voluntary acts of religion. The rules related to the optional
act, whether it is an absolute or restricted optional act, are not
hidden from you. The rights of God – as you know – are based
on forgiveness. The optional act is broader than the obligatory
act. The acts of worship that come in various forms may be
performed in those forms without any dislike. If two matters of
the same type come together and their intended meaning does
not differ, one of them usually enters into the other. The last
point is that there is no denial in a place of disagreement.It is also
not hidden from you that one of the main reasons for the
emergence of differences among scholars after ignorance of
religion, loss of foundation, and Satan’s embellishment is the fifth
type, the states of the word with the meaning, which is the
commonalities in their types or the faces and counterparts,
whether it is a noun, verb, or letter. The Qur’an has used
commonalities, and the Prophet, may God bless him and granthim peace, used them all to be a field.َJurists ponder their
deductions and the reasons for their differences in ruling on legal
Scholars of the nation, preachers of Islam,Why do we fight,
quarrel and exchange words over matters and details that do not
matter? And are not even obligations. It is true that scholars
differ, butThey do not envy or quarrel with each other. Ibn al-
Jawzi was right when he said: “I contemplated the envy among
scholars, and I saw that its origin is the love of this world. The
scholars of the Hereafter love each other and do not envy each
other, as God Almighty said: “And they do not find in their
hearts any need for what they have been given…”And God is
trueIn his perfect revelation whereHe said:
(And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute
and [thus] become paralyzed and your strength departs,
and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.)Al-
May Allah bless Abu al-Baqa al-Kafwi in his comprehensive
works when he distinguished between differences and
disagreemens, mentioning the differences between them:
“differences is that in which the intention is the same and the way to reach it differs, and disagreements is that in which the
intention differs from the path leading to it. Differences is that
which is based on evidence, while disagreements is not based on
evidence. One of the effects of differences is mercy, while one of
the effects of disagreements is innovation and division. If a judge
rules on it and it is referred to someone else, it is not permissible
to annul it, while disagreements is permissible to annul it because
it occurred in a place where ijtihad is not permissible, which is
that which contradicts the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and consensus.
The conclusion in all of this is that if disagreement occurs in what
is permissible, it is called differences, and if it occurs in what is
not permissible, it is called disagreements.” End of his words,
may Allah have mercy on him.
Preachers of the nation,With all that we have mentioned
above, no preacher with a conscience alive ّ with His only
concern being to call people to God, will let the aforementioned
matters go beyond differences to disagreement.“And if your
Lord had willed, He could have made mankind one community;
but they will not cease to differ, except whom your Lord has
given mercy. And for that He created them…” Al-Hud/ 118-
119. O servants of Allah, prices have gone up and up, so lower them
by sincerely repenting, turning to Allah, and seeking forgiveness
from your Forgiving and Merciful Lord. Pray and send peace and
blessings upon your beloved Muhammad, may God bless him
and grant him peace. Your Lord has commanded you to do so,
starting with Himself and then mentioning His angels. He asked
you to do so and said: “O you who believe, pray upon him and
greet him with peace.”
The second sermon
Scholars of the nation,Yes, we differ, and difference is not
reprehensible, but disagreement is reprehensible. If we review
our glorious history, we discover that it is full with the differences
of Muslim jurists from the era of our Prophet Muhammad, may
God bless him and grant him peace, and the era of the
Companions, and throughout the ages, until difference (which is
religions and sects) became a science that is studied and taught in
the faculties of Sharia.
Scholars of the nation,The difference occurred in an era that
we cannot imagine happening, which is the era of the Prophet,
may God bless him and grant him peace, and its images are not hidden from you, and the differences of the Companions after his
death, may God bless him and grant him peace, are not hidden
from you, as well as the differences of the followers and the
imams of the schools of thought, but they all avoided
disagreement, and I am not here in the space to list these
Scholars of the nation, it is time to unite ranks, an era of
rapprochement between parties and sects, no party is better than
the other, remember your Prophet, may God bless him and grant
him peace, who said: “If a man says, ‘People are doomed,’ then
he is the most doomed of them.” Narrated by Muslim. And may
God bless the one who said:
If God wants a nation to awaken, He inspires it with the
awakening of individuals.
Therefore, our preachers must clarify the path before taking it,
and become aware of it. They should clear the way before
entering, and light up with the lamp before night time.
Preachers of the nation,Why do some of us collect flimsy,
unfounded evidence?ّ For him, he convinces himself of its
correctness and the error of others, forgetting the words of God
Almighty: “Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers as to [their] deeds? Those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while
they think that they are acquiring good in work.” (Al-Kahf
104/103), and the words of God Almighty:
“Is he for whom the evil of his deed has been made
attractive so he regards it as good? Indeed, Allah leaves
astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. So let
not your soul perish over them in regret. Indeed, Allah is
Knowing of what they do.”Fater: 8.
Scholars of the nation,Why don’t we excuse each other, learn
from each other, and forgive each other!! Isn’t it correct
according to Sharia and belief, or is it not among the established
principles of religion, that we cite the words of someone who has
made a mistake? And if our answer is “No” and that it is not
permissible!! Then you should not benefit from the knowledge
of many of the scholars of Islam, nor from the authentication of
the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) by these scholars, such as Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani,
Imam Muhyi Al-Din Al-Nawawi, Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti, Ibn
Al-Jawzi, and Al-Haythami. You should also boycott their
books such as “Fath Al-Bari”, “Sharh Muslim”, “Fayd Al-
Qadir”, etc. And if you do this, then peace be upon Islam!! Preachers of the nation,Cast hatred behind you, and follow
the path of the great imams in exchange, taking and giving. Look
at Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his students citing the
statements of those who had some innovations and some errors,
so they cited the statements of al-Juwayni, Ibn Hazm, al-Ghazali,
and others, may God have mercy on them all.
My fellow preachers,The truth is accepted from any source,
and whoever says it. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings
be upon him, accepted the truth brought by Satan in reciting
Ayat al-Kursi before sleeping. The Messenger, peace and
blessings be upon him, cited the words of the poet Labid when
he was an unbeliever: “Behold, everything except Allah is false.”
So if the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, accepted
from Satan and cited the words of an unbeliever… then what
about a Muslim who has made a mistake! Why do you hate and
criticize him just because he does not follow your school of
thought, and it may even go so far as to expel him from the
religion!! What will you say to “There is no god but Allah” when
it comes to you on the Day of Judgment?
My brothers in the call, feel your responsibilities, and diagnose
yourselves in a way that befits your position. There you will discover that you are the core of society, and that you are its
pivot. You are like teachers in schools and doctors in hospitals.
Without you, society would not be a society. From you, to you,
in you, and with you will come the advancement and progress of
society. It is time for you – may God protect you – to rearrange
the papers of the call, unifying the ranks, and bringing together
the parties and religious sects (Has not the time come for those
who have believed that their hearts should become humbly
submissive at the remembrance of God and what has come down
of the truth? And they will not be like those who were given the
Scripture before, and a long period passed over them, so their
hearts hardened, and many of them are wicked) Al-Hadid/16
My fellow scholars… Excuse me, perhaps I have hurt you, but do
we let the patient not take medicine for fear of disturbing him??!!
And do we leave the wound without stitches for fear of causing
him pain??!! So excuse me, O preachers, if I have hurt you, for
you know that the skillful, honest, and firm doctor is the one
who cuts open the stomach of the afflicted, cuts off the hand of
the leper, and stitches the wounds of the wounded, and does not
pay attention to groans or heed to screams. May God bless the
one who said: If the wound heals on corruption # It shall be known of it
neglect of The doctor
If the wound heals on corruption # the sickness will spread to
the patient’s stomach.
Servants of Allah,Make up for what you owe from the past
Ramadan in these blessed days, honor the awaited guest, and hide
from him what is not befitting of chivalry, and hide grudges,
hatred, lies, hypocrisy, drinking alcohol, adultery,
embezzlement, and false reports. May God let me and you reach
Ramadan, accept our offerings in it, and may God return it to us
and to you for many years and times.
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