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Friday Sermon] The Muslim Ummah’s Predicaments And Their Solutions



Imam Murtadha Gusau

By Imam Murtadha Gusau

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation—may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels and send His peace and blessings upon him—likewise upon his family, Companions, and true followers.

Dear brothers and sisters! Today, if we are to discuss the problems and issues faced by the Muslim Ummah, we shall see that many of them are related to personal lives. Collectively this is what can be observed and this is becoming the leading cause to a social decline in Muslim societies. The need of the hour is for everyone to self-introspect and rectify. At a locals, states and national levels, the leaders need to fulfill their responsibilities and roles assigned to them. Today’s sermon (Khutbah) is an attempt to highlight those areas which are leading to our destruction and decadence as an Ummah (nation).

Respected servants of Allah! When the people, especially the leaders, both individually as well as collectively begin to worry about self-analysis, weaknesses, responsibilities and how to rectify them, automatically there will be positive results that will be observed, In Shaa Allah as follows:

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1. Complete Iman, Righteous Deeds, Fear of Allah and the Worry for the Day of Judgement (Akhirah):

Our beloved Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) reformed the society and raised a foundation for the Companions (Sahabas) as examples for all. This reform was of a nation who were deep in the depths of ignorance and misguidance. Murder and robbery were the norm. The society was so engrossed in the wrong that no one wanted to be their leader. Our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) completely reformed these people to perfect their faith, lead them to righteous deeds and the fear of Allah Almighty. He instilled in them the worry for the Day of Judgement (Akhirah). The entire society and its mindset changed. The very same people who were involved in looting and murder became leaders. Their society became an example of what was to be followed. They became successful against strong international forces such as Qaisar and Kisrah.

Whether it be our leaders or the nation, whether we speak of individuals or community as a whole, discipline is the power. The effectiveness of sound character along with the fear of Allah Almighty is the key to success. This is the sustenance that is essential. We are deprived of these basics individually as well as an Ummah (nation). The most important areas that need to be addressed are that we are far from sincerity, weakened in terms of righteous deeds and exemplary character, free from the worry of accountability and heedless of the life after death which is to follow. All of these are the very foundation, if not strengthened with Iman (faith), we cannot expect our building to be dependable.

2. The Disease of Weakness:

The Muslim Ummah today is surrounded by the whirlpool of injustice. Muslims are being massacred everywhere. Every dawn brings a greater number of chaos and problems. Our Enemies (from within and outside) are attacking the Muslims in all aspects and are bloodthirsty to eradicate the entire Muslim nation from the face of this earth. Our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) not only warned us of this degeneration but also gave us the reasons for this decline. In a Hadith we learn that when a nation is inflicted with a disease of “weakness,” and here ‘weakness’ is referred to the too much love of this world and the dislike of death, then such problems shall arise. This is the time when a strengthened belief, righteous deeds, fear of Allah Almighty and the worry for the Hearafter is the need of the hour. Additionally, there is a need for us to look at the lack of collective discipline within us. We have to eradicate the too much love of this world and the dislike for death as they are the foundation of all evil. Fear of death becomes a reason for a weak heart and enslavement. Once we overcome this, then we will be able to come out from many vices, In Shaa Allah.

3. Preaching Unity and Consensus:

At this time, the Muslim nations face many issues due to the lack of unity and consensus. There have formed many a groups, sects and factions based on various beliefs, geographical locations as well as cultural variances leading to hatred and enmity. The slogan of “divide and rule” has caused split in the Muslim Ummah and many walls have been erected amongst us Muslims. The link that bonded the Muslims together has been broken. We have left the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) which has led us astray and this divide. The split into factions, prejudice and extremism has taken face which is leading to a non-ending war and corruption. If the entire Muslim Ummah comes together with unity and the end to such divides, there is no reason for problems to continue to evade us. Imagine how the world consisting of the many Muslim nations will change if it can come together as one force by holding on the rope of Allah Almighty with the prescribed instruction.

Today if the European Union (EU) exists with blocks of the European countries alleged together under a single umbrella, why cannot the Muslim nations do the same? If we continue with the divergence, problems will continue to rise.

4. Lack of concrete and strong Education:

One of the main issues faced by the Muslim nations is the lack of education. Leaders, Individuals as well as the society is to be held responsible for the lack of this. The government is also to carry this burden of responsibility. Ironically, this is the Muslim Ummah (nation) upon which the first commandment to be sent through the form of revelation was “iqra,” – read. This is the nation upon which the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was sent with the supplication:

“O Allah, increase me in my knowledge.”

This is the very nation, the identity of which is education. What a shame it is if such a nation is left behind in the race of knowledge and education.

Where the leaders are to be blamed for being negligent to provide the infrastructure for high quality education through setting an appropriate budget, the individuals are also heedless of wanting to work hard to excel in any field whether it be technology or innovation. Whether it is the field of medicine, engineering or science, we love to speak highly of the developments. Do we ever stop to think that why are Muslims no longer leaders in these fields of excellence? Why are Muslims dependent on others? Why is there a lack of literacy in the Islamic world today? Why aren’t the prestigious universities and observatories in Islamic regions?

This definitely is a time to stop and reflect. There is a dire need for us to speculate and derive some concrete conclusions leading to action plans, otherwise the future of the Muslim Ummah will continue to look darker than ever before.

5. Indolence, Sedentary Lifestyle and a Laid Back Attitude:

Our indolence is one of the prime reasons for the problems at hand. This laid back attitude is both at the individual level as well as the collective level. We prefer laziness over constructive plans and a comfortable lifestyle allowing to stay in our comfort-zones rather than “go out there and achieve” attitude. Our leaders are enjoying their royal way of life along with the politicians and head of states. The Muslim youth do not want to work hard and are happy with being sedentary. They have left the spears and arrows and found their passion in music and suchlike. All of the above has lead to the decline of the Muslim nations as a whole. We have become almost a laughing stock in front of the world. The poison of obscenity and lewdness has encompassed our generations. Wasteful and unnecessary activities and discussions have left us nowhere.

Those people who are empty of the wealth of knowledge and Iman (faith) are not promised the help of Allah. Only when people will adopt a path with a concrete direction and focus to pleasing Him, will they find success. Yet, we are deprived of this because of our own choices. We must understand and recognise this major problem and work towards trying to become more goal-oriented and productive to please Him.

6. Waste of Resources and Over-spending:

Not only do we waste human resource, but we also waste natural resources. Allah Almighty has blessed the Muslim nations with a variety of resources such as gold. We have minerals in abundance. Whether we look at it with respect to agriculture, mineral or seasonal produce, the Muslim nations have an overflowing wealth of resources. Yet, we are not able to plan the efficient use of these blessings.

The enemies have taken out oil from the Muslim countries. The contracts for gold extraction has been given to others and negotiated at a lesser value than what they are actually worth. We do not have ability to build dams on our own rivers. And the command of preparing against the enemy was given to us through these words of the Qur’an:

“And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war…” [Surah Al-Anfal: 60]

We are even unable to look after our own necessary resources, lest prepare against enemies!

Moreover, the waste of resources and over-spending has made us brothers to Devils (Shayatin). As it is stated in the Qur’an:

“Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils (Shayatin).” [Surah Al-Isra: 27]

Our wealthiest of people are loaded with gold which is greatly manifested through ceremonies and clothing in celebrations of weddings. We are drowned under the love of material wealth and spending excessively on food to utilities as compared to an ordinary man who is unable to afford even one meal for the day. We are so occupied in spending, it is unbelievable! This is a weakness and we need to change.

Please, let’s adopt the way of Prophet Yusuf (AS) who was wise enough to teach us how to pace the spending through a mediocre way of managing the resources when he did the same for Egypt. He intelligently managed the resources for an entire nation and spread it out in to save the people of famine and provide relief. He was able to do this by adopting three (3) means. What were they?

1. Sincerity

2. Moderate Spending

3. Planning

And the nation was saved from a decline that would have finished it all.

7. Corruption and Wrong Intention:

Corruption and ill will is one of the major underlying issue. This is found at all levels of the Muslim societies. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) predicted this for the very same reason. In a Hadith we learn, the gist of which is that close to the end of times, sincerity will be lifted. People will say there is one man who is sincere and trustworthy. This implies the scarcity of both trustworthiness as well as sincerity close to the end of times. We see this happening today.

Today, if our judicial systems, societies, countries, organisations and each individual becomes free of the curse of corruption and adopts sincerity, the Muslim world will take a new order.

8. Injustice and Unfairness:

There is a famous saying of Ali (RA):

“Societies can exist with unbelief (kufr) but not with injustice.”

Today, in the Muslim countries, injustice has taken many forms. We witness the injustice of other nations upon the Muslim Ummah, but we also witness this at the position of the one in authority. The one in authority assumes power and oppresses the one below whether it be with wealth, power, status or ranks. Justice is not being served and even the concept of justice seems to be dwindling at all levels. Unless, we create a foundation of justice, our problems will not only remain unresolved, but will also grow exponentially.

9. Inferiority Complex:

Another prime reason for the issues faced by Muslim Ummah is the feeling of being inferior as compared to the rest of the world. This feeling of being lowly than others causes us to become in awe of other religions as well as nations. We become slaves to their way of life and ideologies. Unable to set our own boundaries and practice our own ways, we have allowed foreign cultures and religions to take over our very set ways of Islam. Unless we become confident that our religion provides a wonderful system of life, we will be unable to move on with grace and honour. We have only to blame ourselves, here.

10. Differences in Status:

The concept of bureaucracy is another cause of the decline of the Muslim Ummah. Today we are engrossed in the pride of our lineage, of our status, of our wealth causing a rift in the hearts and minds of people. The tribal system has taken over us and even the most educated ones fall prey to this delusion that they are “above all” and have a sense of false entitlement.

Each area has taken the authority to practice its own law with regards to reward and punishment, leaving behind the Shari’ah. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has warned us of such differences and told us clearly that this became the reason for the destruction of previous nations. We are strictly told to stay away from this vice.

11. Influence of the West:

Sadly, today those who call themselves activists, reformers or carry projects of philanthropy are under the influence and following of the West. The reformers are not aware of the following of Islam, rather are guiding people to the ways and thoughts of the Non-Muslims. This is taking us away from the basic teaching of character building, obedience as well as our roles as defined by the Creator.

The media, today, plays a very important role in this negative propagation and changing of mindset in the Muslim nations especially the youth. The youth are being told that whatever practice of Islam has been prescribed is backward and not for this time. There is a better way out there which needs to be adopted. Hence, Islam needs to be reformed under the current times. It is evident that the role media plays internationally is that of to demean Islam. It propagates obscenity and impermissible acts making it acceptable.

Our main problem as Muslim nations is that we do not condemn such people who are out to change the Islamic culture under the name of “modernism”, “growth” and “liberation.” We have handed over all platforms to such people and stepped back. As Muslim communities, we all need to step up, create our own way so the nations can be given a correct and true perspective of what ideologies Islam really is based upon.

12. Inability To Self-Reform:

Another area which deeply requires our attention is that we do not wish to self-introspect but continue on to rectify others. The general public speaks out against leaders. Those in position, in return, bad mouth the public. It is a vicious cycle. We need to set our priorities and focus on ourselves rather than trying to please international nations. Leaders are required to become mindful and sensitive towards the needs of their people. Let’s leave aside the “blame-game” which is not only found with regards to the general public and leaders but is also very much a part of the Muslim culture as a while. We do not mean what we say and this is a very big vice. Instead of adopting the culture of pointing fingers at the other, let us all look deep within and change ourselves. All the areas that have been highlighted above require a rectification at the level of the self as well as Muslim nations as a whole. Only then can we imagine Muslims to unite and become one body. For this, we all need to work towards betterment with sincerity and effort. We need to go ahead and invest our wealth for the Muslim nation to become what was dreamed of with the advent of Islam.

May Allah Almighty give us the ability for these changes and have mercy upon us, ameen.

Dear brothers and sisters this messages and sermons is always brought to you by Nagazi-Uvete Islamic Center.

We sincerely seek your financial support on the feeding in this blessed month of Ramadan. Your support is highly needed for Allah’s sake.

As usual, we sincerely solicit for your kind and sincere contribution towards the Ramadan feeding of our orphans, widows and less privileged; and the development of our schools and Islamic Center financially, materially and morally.

Our aim and objective always is to have a standard Islamic center and Arabic/Islamic schools for orphans and less privileged Muslims children in Nigeria.

If you want to pay your Zakah, Sadaqah, Fidyah, or Kaffarah, our great Islamic center is waiting for you. Your Ramadan donation will help distribute food packs, and iftar food for our orphans.

Remember, Ramadan will not be the same without our families, but unfortunately this is not a privilege enjoyed by everyone. This is the reason we’re steadfast in planning to provide iftar for poor people, orphans, widows, less privileged etc.

We are planning to distribute food stuff package that worth amount of to 4000 poor Muslim families and 2000 orphans In Shaa Allah.

And your contribution towards feeding the fasting souls is highly waiting as usual. May Allah rewards all your efforts and your good deeds, ameen.

Allah Almighty says:

“If you support the course of Allah, He will support you.” [Qur’an, 47: 7]

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:

“Whoever relieves his Muslim brother of a hardship from the hardships of this world, Allah shall relieve him of a hardship from the hardships of the Day of Judgement. And whoever makes things easy for a person in difficulty, Allah will ease for him in this world and the Next. Allah is forever aiding a servant so long as he is in the aid of his brother.”

And he (Peace be upon him) said:

“Every act of goodness is considered as Sadaqah.” [Al-Bukhari]

We need the followings:

• Permanent buildings with many classes

• Boards, chairs and desks

• Arabic and Islamic books

• Feeding facilities

• Uniforms

• Computers

• Foodstuffs for Ramadan Iftar and clothes for orphan’s Sallah festival

Account details:

Account no. – 0048647196

Account name – Murtala Muhammed


For more enquiries contact, Imam Murtadha Muhammad, the director and Imam Of the Center: 08038289761.

To donate foodstuffs. Contact the following Numbers: 08038289761, 08056557477

Jazakumullah Khairan as you kindly contribute.

Allah surely knows best and he is the Lords of the universe and May his peace and blessing be on his Messenger, his family, his companions and those who follow them.

I ask Allah, the Most High to grant us success and enable us to be correct in what we say and write, ameen.

Murtadha Muhammad Gusau is the Chief Imam of Nagazi-Uvete Jumu’ah and the late Alhaji Abdur-Rahman Okene’s Mosques, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria. He can be reached via: gusauimam@gmail.com or +2348038289761.

This Jumu’ah Khutbah (Friday sermon) was prepared for delivery today, Friday, Ramadan 07, 1443 A.H. (April 08, 2022).


Almajiri Returns Lost Phones Worth Over 2.5 Million Naira



Haruna Adamu left who found the phones ,right Ibrahim Muhammad Abdullahi the owner

Haruna Adamu, a 37-year-old resident of Kano who recites Quran at Tsangayar Malam Sani, has returned lost phones worth over 2.5 million Naira at Masjidurrahma Mosque in Kano.

The owner of the phones, Ibrahim Muhammad Abu Abdallah, recounted that after prayers, the Muazzin usually cautioned people to take care of their pockets. However, upon checking his pockets after prayers, Abdallah realized his two phones, worth over 2.5 million Naira, were missing. He recalled having visited the mosque’s toilet during that time.

The two phones, both with two terabytes of storage, were essential for Abdallah’s work, and he expressed immense gratitude upon their recovery through Haruna Adamu after forgetting them inside the toilet . He acknowledged that losing the phones could have resulted in a loss of over 20 million Naira due to the valuable data they contained.

The mosque later announced the discovery of the phones, which were found by another worshipperi inside the toilets Mosque , Haruna Adamu , a 37-year-old resident of Tarauni located close to the Mosque. Adamu, who is staying at Tsangayar Malam Sani for Quranic memorization and recitation, returned the phones promptly.

Masjidurrahma is a multi-million Naira Mosque situated along Maiduguri Road,Kano built by renowned businessman AY Maikifi and recently commissioned by Sultan of Sokoto Muhammad Saad Abubakar.

The Agony Of The Almajiri System In Northern Nigeria

In appreciation, Abdallah later gifted 100 thousand Naira to Haruna Adamu for his honesty. Adamu resides at Tsangayar Malam Sani, where he recites and memorizes the entire Quran in Tarauni local government area.

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Ace Nigerian Journalist and Parliamentarian Dies at 86, Governor Yusuf Offers Condolences



Late Sidi Ali


The First Republic politician and Second Republic parliamentarian reportedly died in Kano on Thursday evening at 86.

Late Sidi Ali was a prolific writer with National dailies and was one of the Nigerian journalist who covered the civil war.

In his later life, he was a stalwart of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and a member of the party’s Elders Committee in Kano State.

The elder statesman spent years serving the Nigerian International Press Centre, Ministry of Information and National Broadcasting Commission, among other critical institutions.

Born in Kano but raised in Ghana, Ali’s wide travels reportedly influenced his love for journalism and communication.


In his 2018 birthday message, ex-President Muhammadu Buhari noted that Ali spent most of his life serving the country as a Public Affairs Officer, “most remarkably for ensuring accurate and balanced information on government activities during and after the Civil War.


Kano State Governor, Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf has condoled with the families of late Sidi Ali who died Thursday evening at the age of 86.

In a statement by the Governor’s Spokesperson, Sanusi Bature Dawakin Tofa, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf described late Sidi Ali as a trusted Public Affairs Officer who worked hard to ensure the flow of true stories during the Civil war.

The Governor also noted the positive contributions of the deceased as a Senator in the Second Republic in shaping the Senate and the overall development of democracy in the country.

On behalf of the Government and people of Kano State, Governor Alhaji Abba Kabir extend condolences to his families, prayed for the repose of his soul, Aljannah be his final resting place, the courage and the fortitude to bear the loss.


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Nigeria Police Restore Presence to Kano Anti-Corruption Agency, Affirms Chairman Muhuyi Magaji



Kano, Nigeria –  The Nigeria Police have reinstated their presence at the Kano Anti-Corruption Agency, as confirmed by Chairman Muhuyi Magaji in an address to journalists on Friday morning at his office.

Magaji, while speaking, underscored the importance of the nearly decade-long positive working relationship between the agency and the police. He acknowledged the inherent challenges in combating corruption, emphasizing the vital role of cooperation from security agencies.

“We appreciate their cooperation and the security agencies’ efforts in allaying fears,” Magaji stated, highlighting the ongoing personal audit being conducted. He reassured the public that despite recent developments, critical assignments are being diligently managed by both the police and the agency.

There are cases prone to compromise, but we have remained steadfast in our professionalism, which reflects in our success,” Magaji asserted. He cited instances where states like Bauchi and Benue have expressed interest in emulating Kano’s anti-corruption efforts.

Expressing gratitude to the media for their support, Magaji affirmed the agency’s unwavering commitment to its mandate and vowed not to be swayed from their objectives. “We must be resilient and persistent,” he declared, assuring the government and people of Kano State of their dedication.

Acknowledging the collaborative efforts with the police, Magaji attributed the agency’s success to collective support. “There are those who seek to intimidate us, but we are grateful for steadfast partners,” he remarked.

In conclusion, Magaji affirmed the commission’s determination to uphold justice and accountability, pledging to pursue the right course of action regardless of challenges.

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