
ActionAid Nigeria Commemorates International Peace Day with Cultural Festivities



By Naziru Idris Ya’u

Celebrating Peace: ActionAid Nigeria/Dispute Resolution and Development Initiative Commemorates International Peace Day with Cultural Festivities

On a radiant day marked by vibrant cultural displays, ActionAid Nigeria/Dispute Resolution and Development Initiative commemorated the International Day of Peace with an event that brought together communities in a celebration of harmony and resilience.

The Peace Fiesta, held in honor of this significant occasion, showcased various cultural troupes that performed traditional dances, songs, and skits, emphasizing the theme of unity amid diversity.

Speaking at the occasion, Andrew Amebu, the Country Director of ActionAid Nigeria, articulated the organization’s commitment to fostering inclusive development and sustainable peace in communities. “Today, we celebrate not just peace, but the ideals of brotherhood and the importance of understanding across cultures and nations,” she stated. “This event is a reminder that our shared commitment to peace is groundbreaking for the futures we want to create.”

Over the past 20 months, ActionAid Nigeria has made significant inroads into building community resilience against violent extremism. The organization recently provided livelihood equipment worth 100 million Naira (approximately 71,428.5 USD) to 600 youth and women across Kano and Kaduna States. These beneficiaries, trained in seven different vocational skills, are a vital part of the organization’s effort to promote socio-economic stability and discourage violent extremism.

Hajiya Dankabo highlighted that over 15,000 direct beneficiaries have been engaged in sensitization programs, cultivating a culture that values peaceful coexistence and embraces diversity. The ripple effect of these programs is evident in the increasingly harmonious interactions within these communities.

Partnering with the Dispute Resolution and Development Initiative (DRDI), the event also featured novelty football matches aimed at improving peace and social cohesion among community members. “Sports have emerged as a vital tool for unifying people, transcending differences, and creating a peaceful environment,” remarked the Executive Director of DRDI, Dr. Mustapha Muhammad Yahaya, who noted that such initiatives are crucial for strengthening communal ties.

International Peace Day, observed annually, is a global call to action that encourages individuals and communities to prioritize peace above all differences. The day resonates deeply with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), both of which are instrumental in fostering a harmonious world.

This year’s theme, “Cultivating a Culture of Peace,” served as an impetus for ActionAid Nigeria to mobilize communities against ethnicism, discrimination, and intolerance. Supported by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) in collaboration with Global Peace Development, the organization has been implementing the System and Structure Strengthening Approach Against Radicalisation to Violence Extremism (SARVE III) project. This initiative has resulted in the establishment of 24 women’s safe spaces along with Peace Clubs and Local Conflict Management Alliances aimed at enhancing early warning capabilities for conflict and promoting peacebuilding efforts.

The cultural extravaganza at the event was a fitting highlight, demonstrating how art and tradition can symbolize and signify the ideals of peace and stability in communities. Each performance served as a reminder of the rich cultural tapestry that binds communities, encouraging them to embrace their differences as a source of strength rather than division.

As the sun set on the event, the atmosphere lingered with hope and the promise of ongoing efforts toward building resilient, peaceful communities throughout Nigeria. ActionAid’s initiatives reflect a broader commitment to weaving peace into the fabric of society—an endeavor that requires continuous collaboration, engagement, and education for lasting impact.


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