
Ministry of Land and survey organises an interactive session with all surveyors in the state




By Asile Abel, Jos

The commissioner of lands, Survey and town planning Barr Peter Nyam Gai, says 280 files of lands titles that were opened for individuals in the last three years are yet to be attended to, because owners of the files refused to pay for processing.

Barr Nyam Gai, made the disclosure during a town meeting with experts in the town planning sector.

The town meeting is part of efforts in curbing menace of uncoordinated buildings in Plateau state, due non adherence to building code and specifications, the ministry of lands, survey and town planing held a town hall meeting with experts to address the challenges.

The Commissioner, Lands, Survey and Town planning Barr Peter Nyam Gai, convey the meeting, to sought expertise opinions of town planners, surveyors and estate valuer’s for the needful be done.

During the open door discussion, most experts who spoke suggested that all processes of building structures should not be allowed to undermined by procedures.

Some town planners were of the views that the state government should insist on using only experts and modern techniques in planning the state, particularly urban areas.

They also noted that government
stand’s the chance to generate revenue in the process. “Every building plan that is generated from here in plateau state must be paid for.”

The experts told the ministry to upgrade it ITC to the current and modern global standard, that be assessed easily, where processing of documents are done at the finger tips.

Responding to the suggestions and comments made by the experts, Barr Nyam Gai, said his administration will ensure remodeling of all aspects in the lands acquisition and town planning.

He revealed sadly that there were wrong revocation of some land allocated to individuals, promised that abnormalities will be corrected.

On the accusations of missing data of some land titles; he argued that the allegations haven’t got to his desk, but assured that, should the allegations are verified, any staff found wanting would be disciplined.

The Commissioner worried that about 280 persons whom obtained files with the ministry for accreditation of land titles, have refused to pay the fee, since three years ago, hence the documents remained dormant.

Barr Gai assured that all the suggestions made would be taking seriously, and acted upon accordingly.

The Commissioner informed that the just concluded town hall meeting/interactive session was to mitigate on the challenges and implement a befitting urban for the present and future.

Gai, told the gathering that experts from the ministry would be charged to wakeup to their official responsibilities, as a means preventing avoidable guide in town planing.

There were calls by some experts to the ministry of lands, survey and town planning to create an effective ITC that will allow acceleration process of acquiring land titles.

Participants town planners, Survivors
Architects and estate valuer’s.


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