
Protest:Mr President We Demand Accountability -El-Yakub




HAUWA EL-YAKUB (Former Kano Senatorial Candidate)

Dear Mr. President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu,

Members of the National Assembly, all State Governors.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In these trying times, the voices of Nigeria rise not in protest, but in a solemn demand for justice, accountability, and a brighter future. We have endured hardship, not in silence, but in strength, believing in the promise of our leaders to safeguard our welfare. Today, we call upon our Governors and representatives in the National Assembly to reflect deeply upon their actions and policies that have brought us to this critical juncture.

Our message is clear: Accountability is not a mere expectation, but an imperative. We seek a thorough review of the policies that have burdened our people, and we demand transparency in governance. The time has come for our leaders to stand before us, not as figures of authority, but as stewards of our collective destiny.

In exchange for our withdrawal from protest, we require unwavering commitment to these principles. We must return to the drawing table to reconsider the removal of oil subsidies and the increased electricity tariffs that have further burdened our people. Our leaders must also put an end to government extravagance, reducing their so-called benefits by 70% and forsaking their luxurious lifestyles.

Furthermore, it is imperative that our youth and women are given a rightful place in governance. Additionally, this time around, all policies must streamline rural development. The voices of rural people must be heard, and their needs must be prioritized. We must make them our first concern.

We cannot compromise our unity as a nation. Nigeria must stand strong, and those who do not believe in the unity of one Nigeria must pack and leave.

Our patience is not infinite, nor is our resilience. The future of our country hinges on the integrity of our leadership. Let us together forge a path that honors the sacrifices of our people and fulfills the promise of a just and prosperous Nigeria.

Hauwa E-Yakub


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