Kano News

Suspension of Medical Doctor by Kano Hospital Management Board Is Deceptive and Fabricated – NAGGMDP




The National Association of Government General Medical and Dental Practitioners (NAGGMDP) in Kano State has issued a press release disputing claims made by the Hospital Management Board.

In a statement signed by the chairman of the association Dr Aminu Muhammad Kabir issued to newsmen said On May 13, 2024, the Public Relations Officer of the Executive Secretary of the Hospital Management Board released a statement titled “Doctor Suspended Due to Negligence – Dr. Nagoda.”

According to NAGGMDP, the press release is “deceptive, misleading, and fabricated,” filled with inaccuracies and injustice. The association conducted a thorough investigation and found several critical points contradicting the board’s allegations.

The CMAC called again around 3:00 AM, informing the on-call doctor of an impending visit by government officials. However, the doctor, feeling unwell, had fallen asleep before the CMAC’s arrival. NAGGMDP clarified that no one knocked on her door or called her during this time.



Dr Aminu Muhammad Kabir and his secretary Dr Anas Idris said the incident began on May 12, 2024, when a patient was brought to the medical unit of Muhammad Abdullahi Wase Teaching Hospital (MAWTH) around 1:00 PM.

According to them the patients were promptly attended to and admitted by the doctor on call. After a comprehensive evaluation, the patient was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and required emergency dialysis due to deranged electrolytes, urea, and creatinine levels. The patient also tested positive for Hepatitis B.

The attending doctor, along with a senior registrar from Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH), reviewed the patient around 5:30 PM and decided to refer the patient to AKTH due to the lack of appropriate dialysis machines at MAWTH. NAGGMDP noted that MAWTH has nine dialysis machines, seven of which are functional but not equipped to handle patients with Hepatitis B, C, or RVD. The remaining two machines, recently acquired by the state government, are not yet operational.

At approximately 2:00 AM, the Chief Medical Director (CMAC) of MAWTH contacted the on-call doctor to inquire about the doctor in the accident and emergency department and the hospital’s policy on dialysis for septic patients. The on-call doctor confirmed that the doctor on duty was present and reiterated that the hospital was not equipped to handle septic dialysis cases. The patient was referred back to MAWTH due to a lack of bed space at AKTH. The patient was then admitted by the triage officer after consulting with the on-call doctor.


Regarding the welfare of Kano State doctors, NAGGMDP stated they are unaware of any allowances approved by the state government. The association described the claims as “baseless, idle, misleading, and fabricated.” Kano State continues to pay a hazard allowance of 4,700 naira, compared to the 35,000 naira paid by the federal government and other states like Delta, Kwara, and Katsina. Additional welfare issues include the revised CONMESS and the Medical Residency Training Fund (MRTF), which the Kano State government has yet to implement.

While other states pay over one million naira per annum to each resident doctor, Kano State pays only 372,000 naira and has yet to settle payments for 2023 and 2024. The state also owes two months’ salaries for 61 medical doctors and has not provided annual increments since 2018. Some doctors are still awaiting financial implementation of their promotions and contract extensions.

NAGGMDP demands the immediate withdrawal of the press release and a public apology to the Kano state doctors within 48 hours, warning that failure to do so could disrupt industrial harmony. Despite the ongoing challenges, the association assured the public that Kano state doctors remain committed to providing effective healthcare services with the highest professionalism.

For NAGGMDP, Dr. Aminu Kabir Muhd, Chairman, and Dr. Anas Idris, Secretary, emphasized the unwavering dedication of Kano state doctors to their duties, despite the challenges facing the healthcare system, including poor remuneration, inadequate manpower, and poor working conditions.


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