
Former Bauchi Governor, Adamu Muazu Advocates Fulani Cultural Preservation



FUDECO gathering

Former Governor of Bauchi state, Alhaji Ahmad Adamu Muazu, delivered a passionate address during the 4th annual general meeting of the Fulbe Development and Cultural Organization (FUDECO) held in Kano. Serving as the chairman of the occasion, Muazu emphasized the importance of the Fulani community adhering to its cultural roots.

In his address, Muazu touched upon various aspects, highlighting the significance of upholding truth and striving for self-reliance within the Fulani community. He particularly urged fellow Fulani to remain connected to their cultural heritage, emphasizing the preservation of rearing practices and the use of their mother tongue.

Adamu Muazu, who continues to engage in cattle rearing himself, conveyed a powerful message that even in urban settings, Fulani individuals should maintain their traditional practice of cattle rearing. This statement underscores the commitment to preserving cultural values amid evolving lifestyles.

Representing the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, Dan Amar of Kano, Aliyu Harazimi, expressed the Emir’s unwavering support for FUDECO’s objectives. He invited members to the palace for cultural displays, further demonstrating the collaborative efforts to promote and sustain Fulani heritage.

In a significant remark, FUDECO Chairman, Mr. SS Nana, addressed the role of media in shaping public perceptions. Nana stressed the need to leverage the media to create awareness about the authentic Fulani identity. He expressed concern about the media tarnishing the image of the Fulani community and emphasized the importance of setting the record straight.

Mr. SS Nana also highlighted FUDECO’s initiatives in supporting low-income Fulani individuals in states like Taraba, enabling them to rear livestock for self-reliance. This initiative not only aims to uplift the community economically but also serves as a response to media portrayals that have inaccurately represented Fulani practices.

In conclusion, the annual meeting served as a platform for influential voices like Adamu Muazu and FUDECO leaders to advocate for the preservation of Fulani culture, dispel misconceptions, and unite the community in the face of external challenges.


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