
Empowering Nigerian Youth: Politics, Entrepreneurship, and Education-Sir Kuli Kuli



Zaid Ayuba Alhaji aka Sir Kuli-Kuli



Every Nigerian youth should be actively part of politics because it is through political participation that they can shape the future of their country. Politics determines policies, regulations, and decisions that directly impact the lives of citizens. By being actively involved in politics, young people can voice their concerns, contribute their ideas, and work towards creating a better Nigeria.

Furthermore, political involvement allows the youth to advocate for their rights, demand accountability from leaders, and ensure that their needs are prioritized in policy-making. By participating in political processes, Nigerian youths can work towards creating a more inclusive and representative government that caters to the needs of all its citizens.

In addition to politics, every youth should master entrepreneurship because it opens up opportunities for economic empowerment and self-sufficiency. Entrepreneurship enables individuals to create their own businesses, generate employment, and contribute to the economic growth of the nation. By being proficient in entrepreneurship, Nigerian youths can become financially independent and contribute to poverty reduction and economic development.

Moreover, being a part of the academia is essential for the continuous progress and development of an individual. Pursuing education and gaining qualifications equips the youth with necessary skills and knowledge required for professional success. The academia provides a platform for learning critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation. It also allows for intellectual growth, exposure to diverse perspectives, and contributes to personal development.

By combining political participation with entrepreneurship skills and academic qualifications, Nigerian youths become well-rounded individuals capable of handling various challenges. They become empowered to actively engage in shaping the political landscape, generating income, and contributing positively to society. This holistic approach to personal growth minimizes fears and uncertainties, leading to a more confident and capable youth population.

Zaid Ayuba Alhaji writes from Kano.
He’s the President of the Arewa Youth Consultative Council.


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