
Empowering Girls in STEM: A Journey through the TechGirls Program”



Ruqayya Yushau Yusuf at the White House

Ruqayya Yushau Yusuf

In a world where science and technology offer endless opportunities, the TechGirls program becomes a source of empowerment for young girls and women worldwide. This story shares the meaningful journey from applying to the program to its conclusion.

The journey begins unexpectedly, with a WhatsApp message from my brother, Mujahid, about the TechGirls Program to my sister. It was just two days before the application deadline. We sat down and looked at the criteria, and deep inside me, I believed I was qualified. Fueled by a strong passion for technology and a desire to challenge gender norms, we wholeheartedly embraced the challenge and applied to represent Northern Nigerian Muslim girls in STEM fields.

Sheila Ogle Host mom at Colorado

Crafting the application quickly yet carefully becomes a devoted task. We sat down and began writing the application. I drafted my thoughts, gave it to my brothers and sisters to proofread and offer suggestions, edited and re-edited, and I was able to beat the deadline. Then, boom, an email came from the TechGirls committee that I was shortlisted for an interview. A follow-up call to my brother by Mrs. Carolyn Seaman followed. She was so happy and told my brother I should prepare well and not feel intimidated. We sat down and began doing mock interviews with my siblings. I was excited yet nervous. Advancing to the interview stage brings a mix of excitement and nerves.

The interview day arrived, and I logged in, waiting for my turn. I waited until it was my time around 12. The preparations I did really assisted, and as the interview progressed, I felt at home. It ended, and the waiting period for successful nominees started. My sisters began to tease me, asking when I was going to the US, and we would laugh over it.

With fellow Tech Girls at Washington Capitol Hill

On Friday, March 10th, the exciting email arrived, stating that I was selected for the TechGirls program together with 3 other fantastic girls: Ayomide from Kaduna, Amanda from Enugu, and Tofunmi from Lagos. The joy of acceptance was unmatched. We were the Lucky Four Nigerian girls out of 1000 applicants.

Then preparations began, from getting my Passport which nearly delayed our visa process, to going to Abuja for the visa process. The support of Carolyn Seaman, the Local Engagement coordinator, was awesome. She hosted Zoom calls to help us familiarize ourselves with one another. She assisted and made us feel at home at the US Embassy in Abuja. We met physically with Ayomide, and our friendship began.

With fellow Colleagues at Class Virginia Tech,Virginia State United States

With visas secured, we prepared and began packing our clothes and souvenirs to take along. We traveled to Lagos for our pre-departure orientation session. A day at the consulate provided us with valuable insights about travel logistics, scholarships, and opportunities in the United States. This session expanded our horizons even before departure.

We went exploring the vibrant city of Lagos, which provided a glimpse into Nigeria’s cultural heritage. A visit to the University of Lagos connected participants with dedicated female doctors in STEM, fostering inspiration through shared knowledge.

Amidst preparations, the time came for farewells at the consulate. Emotions ran high as participants embarked on this life-changing journey with the support of their loved ones. The airport beckoned, and the local coordinator, now our flight chaperone, ensured a smooth transition from Nigeria to the United States.

Arriving at Washington’s Dulles Airport, excitement filled the air. With a TechGirls’ residential assistant, participants headed to the Crown Plaza Hotel, our residence upon arrival.

My initial interactions with fellow TechGirls from different countries at the hotel made me feel at home and created instant connections. After settling in and saying goodbye to Carolyn, we started our TechGirls journey.

We began exploring the city, visiting the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and immersing ourselves in the world of aviation and space exploration.

Preparations for our time at Virginia Tech became a priority. An early departure marked the start of the journey to the campus. The four-hour bus ride to Virginia Tech offered breathtaking landscapes.

Living in dorms helped participants make connections and build friendships from the start. The campus dining hall became a hub for meals and social interactions.

Classes began, requiring early mornings. Participants were grouped based on interests, like environmental engineering. Dedicated professors and teaching assistants led engaging sessions and offered support.

Classes evolved into hands-on projects, exploring real-world applications in labs. Trips to places like the New River allowed participants to apply classroom knowledge to practical settings.

Leadership classes and community action projects enriched the experience, fostering responsibility and the application of skills for positive change.

Evenings were marked by bonding through games, discussions, and sharing experiences. These moments created lasting friendships.

Exploring the campus showcased its lively atmosphere, while community action project presentations demonstrated dedication to meaningful impact.

Transitioning to Washington D.C., visits to iconic landmarks and institutions like NASA expanded participants’ horizons and insights into American history and governance.

Challenges, including dietary adjustments, were overcome with help from program staff and Resident Assistants.

Returning home wasn’t the end; the transformative impact of the TechGirls program propelled participants towards further empowerment and community change.

The commitment to supporting potential applicants highlighted the program’s importance. Gratitude was expressed to parents, family, and supporting entities for their roles in this transformative journey. We ended the program after staying with host families to experience US culture, did a shadow job placement and ended with a cultural night and crying session.
We arrived Nigeria on the 2nd of August 2023.

In conclusion, the TechGirls program is a transformative journey, emphasizing empowerment and fostering a commitment to positive change in STEM and beyond for young girls.

As the journey came to an end, we stepped into a new chapter armed with experiences, friendships, and knowledge. My deep gratitude is extended to our families, friends, and my fellow TechGirls. Their unwavering support made this journey possible. To Ayomide, Tofunmi and Amanda I remain grateful for your support and friendship. Together we will change the narrative

Moreover, heartfelt thanks go to the U.S. Consulate, TechGirls coordinators, and Legacy International for this invaluable opportunity, which has had a lasting impact on personal and academic growth. To Carolyn Seaman, I say Thank You for the motherly Support and Role

This journey has been a privilege, recognizing the collective efforts of individuals and organizations.

“The TechGirls program has changed my perspective, aspirations, and belief in STEM’s limitless possibilities. It’s not just a program; it’s a life-changing journey that empowers me to break barriers and embrace a future I once only dreamed of.”

Ruyya Yushau Yusuf is an incoming SS 3 Students at Hasiyanda International Schools Kano ,North Western Nigeria


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