
Rising Cost Of Cooking Gas Forced Dealers To Close Shop





Rising Cost of cooking gas and other expenses has forced some gas dealers and sellers to close shop in some strategic areas of Kano.


Our correspondent who went round the city on Thursday and late Wednesday has learnt that some dealers and sellers of the commodity have close shop and buyers were stranded looking for alternative.

No reason was laid by the dealers for not selling the gas in some parts of the state.

The areas visited by our correspondent include Bilkaka Gas company and Pyramid Gas located around Tsamiya Babba in Gezawa local government and Eastern bye pass in Nassarawa local government.

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Also some small shops where households use to buy the gas have also closed for almost two days.

When contacted for comment an executive member of Gas dealers association in Kano Nuhu Haruna told our correspondent that the close of Business by Gas dealers may be associated with loss being incurred by the sellers.

According to Nuhu Haruna they mostly buy the 50 Kg Gas cylinder at 30 thousand and with transportation cost it reaches the point of Sale at 35 to 36 thousand and they also sale at the same price with no profit.

Nuhu Haruna added that since Gas is a commodity without any subsidy like petroleum the dealers are loosing seriously instead of gaining profit and as a result of that they don’t want to inflict another hardship on the buyers.


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