
2021 For The Elite And The Commoners




Sir Kuli -Kuli .

Do you ever wondered why the rich and the poor, the weak and the powerful, the elite and the commoner live on parallel lines?. Everyone have answers.

The truth is, the attitude of a commoner and elites are different. Their hygiene, aspirations, food, thoughts, environment, beliefs, social interaction and general human culture is completely different.

The unscrupulously rich and the wretchedly poor doesn’t have any link, neither do they have any similarity. Though, being poor or wealthy isn’t about money but mindset. Lots of the rich are poor at heart and most of the poor have a richer mindset.

The elites knows no excuses, ifs, buts or may bes, they just go for what they want; while the poor are distracted, pessimistic and often confused. This is where they both derive their successes and failures.

While the poor may always want to be rich, the rich may never want to be poor. The elites can easily set the commoners against themselves, but no commoner can ever set the elite against one another.

Their mentality and orientation toward all issue differs, as the Rich focuses on opportunities and rewards, the Poor fear threats and focus on managing risks. While the elite believe in action, the commoners mostly collapse for inactions.

The Rich hardly nurture anger, fear, greed or negative thoughts toward their fellow rich, but the poor is ‘almost always’ angry with the fellow poor.

The poor, always try to avoid problems; while the rich always try to grow bigger than all problems. The poor fear that problems can dislodge them while the rich believes that problems are meant to happen.

The elite spend more time and energy on strategizing and planning on issues, while the poor spend more time on complains, blames and easily give up.

If you’re a youth, Kindly make a choice, to either be like the elite or the commoner, the rich or the poor, the weak or the powerful. Whatever you want to be, it is a choice; just do it well!.

Zaid Ayuba Alhaji


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