
Kano To Assist Borno Govt . In RUGA Settlement Development




Kano State AgroPastoral Development Project, KSADP, has expressed readiness to collaborate with Borno State government towards actualization of the state’s Ruga settlement project.


The State Project Coordinator, Malam Ibrahim Garba Muhammad made the pledge while receiving a delegation from Borno State government, led by the state Commissioner for Animal Resources and Fisheries Development, Comrade Juliana Bitrus, at the KSADP office in Kano.

“We are determined to transform agriculture in Kano from a largely socio-cultural practice to a socio-economic endeavor and we will support the Borno state government to also achieve in that regard”, he stated.

“The interventions at Dansoshiya are just one of the several parts of our multi-component project. We will also run a cattle fattening scheme and provide the beneficiaries support as well as provide linkages with off-takers”.


“We are also working with the private sector to stop the transport of live animals, for meat, to be taken to any part of the world”, saying transporting live animals is not safe, unprofitable and not animal friendly.
Besides, he highlighted that the project would invest in the provision of rural infrastructure, crops development, upgrade of Dawanau market and five other markets infrastructure, construction of milk collection centers and training of farmers and extension agents, among others.


“I wish to convey to you the goodwill of the Kano State Deputy Governor and Commissioner for Agriculture and hope that we will work together for the good of our states”.


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Earlier, the Borno state Commissioner for Animal Resources and Fisheries Development, Comrade Juliana Bitrus said the delegation was mandated by Gov. Babagana Zulum to examine the Kano Ruga Project and how it can be replicated in Borno state.

“We have visited Dansoshiya grazing reserve and saw the Fulani. I have seen how happy they are and I want to say that Gov. Ganduje of Kano state is doing very well in the Ruga”.

“Kano is now a model for the Ruga project and it seems you have done a lot of work and involved many experts”, she stated, adding that Borno State stands to gain a lot from the Kano AgroPastoral Development Project.

Ameen K Yassar ,the Projects communication specialist said the Borno state delegation included the Special Adviser to the Governor on Animal Resources, Hon. Tijjani Goni Muhammad, the Chairman Borno Mega Farm, Alh. Musa Inuwa Kubo and the Director of Livestock Services in the state Ministry of Animal Resources, Malam Bukar Kolo.


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