
Rahma Sadau, Northern Nigeria and The Journey To Stardom




Binta Kassim Muhammad

I had remained silent and unassuming throughout the Rahma Sadau saga even as it filled the timelines on all social media apps. I disregarded it for two reasons:

1. It is not my business that a grown up woman chooses to open her own back on her own social media pages.
2. I was angry at a very misplaced regional anger tantrum. I was upset that such a personal issue should grab the attention of every northern stakeholder: Leaders, ulama, youth, commentators & even the police while more pressing social issues such as child rape, girl hawking, banditry, kidnapping & more couldn’t be given quarter the attention though it is negatively impacting more lives in the north daily.

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3. How does Rahma’s open back contribute to or reduce the problems faced by typical northern Nigeria.
4. A large percentage of elite girls in northern Nigeria already wear similar body countour dresses with open backs, not as low as Rahma’s though to occasions, schools etc so what’s new?

Now however I write as a curious communicator and analyst penning down my thoughts.

When Sadau featured in Classic’s music video, wore a jeans & allowed physical touch, the north went into it’s frenzied checkmating of her for the first time.

When I saw the video I told the people near me that Rahma is from Northern Nigeria, grew up here, knows northern Nigeria and is aware that the video will create mayhem in northern Nigeria but went ahead to do it.

I concluded it was a publicity stunt to stand out and it was what truly happened she rose to fame as a Northern film star never had.

Rahma Sadau became a national star. The same MOPPAN that was fast to suspend her was happy making films with her, the same people who judged her we’re quick to follow and watch her films. The same society that judged here were quick to want to associate with her. If her followers on social media pages are anything to go by, then the same society damns her at the same time celebrate her. Could it be a case of judging you in public and loving your act in private?

This time around Rahma showed a back and all hell has been let loose in northern Nigeria and is still raging up to now. Even if Sadau was naive during the classic incidence, she isn’t now. She knew what was going to happen. She knew that she has dared the Haram police and the all so righteous northern brethren and should be ready for a backlash like never before. We have seen daughters of elite northerners wear more daring dresses and yet the same society has turned away because they didn’t want to err their fathers.

However Rahma is a film Artist, the most judged of the lot.

She immediately turned around and did an apology video and the self acclaimed judges who are stupidly unaware that are voluntary actors in a script were quick to ooh! aah!! Let’s forgive her for she has repented. The drama is all too good to be true.

She knows the patriachial north are not shouting her down solely for showing her back but due to the innate desire to subdue her.

It really is not the open flesh but a how dare her, a female have control over her life? How dare her a mere woman defy them and continue to do as she pleases?

It is an inbuilt tendency to see her cower & respectful as in the apology videos. It is the desire to feel powerful and be convinced that they still hold the power to scare her back in line. For most of the Haram police, religion and Godliness is not the motivating factor, it is sheer judgement & control.

One thing I am sure of is that this is one resolute northern Nigerian belle, unlike any other who is willing to complete the journey started many years ago.

The girl oozes the confidence to defy dragons, carve new frontiers and the ambition to get to the very top of the game. One thing I also know is that the same northern Nigeria will be the stepping stone for her to get there. The abuses, threats, judgement, antagonism will be the stairs that will lift her to the top of her career just like it lifted girls such as Malala Yousoufzai in other climes. You see the recipe is the same everywhere, defy the system and watch the system bend to you.

I conclude that either our dear old Rahma is either genuinely repented and willing to toe the socially accepted path or she is constrained with just being a national star and wants to go global in 2020.

I may be wrong but these are my thoughts as we await the next episode of northern Nigeria’s misplaced anger tantrum.


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