By Abba Dukawa Despite the convulsion threatening the survival of the contemporary society, one can still boast of great men, though few, who stand tall...
Abba Hikima Extrajudicial killing of two Kano youth by Anti-Daba. High time for Kano State to empanel the FG-advised judicial commission of inquiry to investigate...
By Ahmad Muhammad Danyaro History is full of testimonies, promises and antecedents that many important people across the world have been remembered for various reasons,...
The Minister of Defence Maj Gen Bashir Salihi Magashi (rtd) has received the report of a 9-man Committee he inaugurated on Security Debarment Allowance and...
Abbas Yushau Yusuf Kano State Police Command says it has effected the arrest of its personnel that allegedly killed Two Youth in Sharada . The...
Abbas Yushau Yusuf The shots in Sharada quarters, were fired by some policemen from the anti-daba unit of Kano state police command. An eye witness who...
Abbas Yushau Yusuf The Minister of Defence Maj Gen Bashir Salihi Magashi (Rtd) has reaffirmed commitment to the protection of the health of the Fighting...
Abbas Yushau Yusuf Governor Babagana Umara Zulum led administration on Saturday unveiled a 25-year strategic plan with immediate, medium and long implementation phases, through which...
The Kano state government has approved the full resumption of JSS 1 and SS 1 Students in both public and private schools in the...
Abbas Yushau Yusuf The Kano Online Journalists Association have elected Hisham Habib of as Chairman of the Association. Declaring the New leadership immediately after the...