
NLC Condemns Latest Petrol Price Hike, Calls for Reversal and Economic Blueprint



The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has expressed strong dismay over the recent increase in the pump price of petrol, calling for an immediate reversal of the hike and challenging the government to present a clear and inclusive economic growth plan.

In a press statement issued from its national headquarters in Abuja, signed by its President, Comrade Joe Ajaero, the NLC criticized the government for what it described as its apparent focus on increasing fuel prices without addressing the underlying economic challenges Nigerians are facing. The statement further highlighted the union’s concern over the absence of effective mitigation measures to cushion the impact on the population.

“We are dismayed by the latest increase in the pump price of petrol. It looks like the only thing this government is known for is increasing the pump price of petrol without commensurate capacity of Nigerians or mitigatory measures,” the statement read.

The NLC also took aim at the role of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) in price-setting, accusing it of acting as a “hegemonic monopoly.”

“Even following the logic of market forces, we find it an aberration that a private company (NNPCL) is the one fixing prices and projecting itself as a hegemonic monopoly,” the statement continued.

The labour union called on the government to go back to the drawing board and present Nigerians with a comprehensive blueprint for inclusive economic growth and national development, rather than resorting to what it described as “spasmodic ad hocism and palliative policy.”

The NLC expressed concern that the recent increase would exacerbate the already difficult economic situation faced by Nigerians, further deepening poverty as production capacities decline, leading to job losses and a range of negative socioeconomic effects.

The NLC called for an immediate reversal of the price increase, arguing that previous hikes had not yielded any positive results and had only worsened the standard of living for the Nigerian people.

“In light of this, we urge the government to immediately reverse this rate hike as previous increases did not produce any good result. People only got poorer.”

The statement also urge the government to be transparent about its long-term plans for the country’s economic direction, urging it to tell Nigerians “in advance the destination it wants to take the country.”

The NLC has been a vocal critic of the government’s fuel pricing policies and remains one of the key stakeholders in advocating for the welfare of Nigerian workers and the broader population.


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